Bu script direkt olarak kurulamaz. Başka scriptler için bir kütüphanedir ve meta yönergeleri içerir // @require https://update.greasyfork.org/scripts/484072/1453229/RulesForSearchEngineJumpPlus.js
Rules for inserting the search engine toolbar into a specified website
name: string, the name of the website to be loaded, easy to find
enabled: Boolean, whether to enable
url: regular expression, used to match URLs
engineList: string, search engine type, optional value ['web','music','video','image','download','shopping','translate','knowledge','sociality']
class: string, add a class to use the style of the target website
fixedTop: number, optional, fixed height at the top, unit px
style: CSS style, optional, custom style
style_ACBaidu: CSS style, optional, custom style, enabled in forced center mode, compatible with AC_Baidu script
style_ZhihuChenglinzhi: CSS style, optional, custom style, enabled in forced centering mode, compatible with Zhihu layout optimization script
insertIntoDoc: object, related to inserting documents
target: string, select the positioning element used when inserting into the original web page
You can use xpath matching, such as: '//*[@id="subform_ctrl"]'
Or you can use css matching (need to be prefixed with 'css;'), such as: 'css;#subform_ctrl'
Or pass in a function and use the return value to select, such as: () => document.querySelector('#subform_ctrl')
keyword: string or function, select the get search box
You can use xpath to select a form input element
Or you can use css to select the input element (need to be prefixed with 'css;')
Or pass in a function and use the return value to select the input element
where: string, inserted into the position of the target element, optional value ['beforeBegin', 'afterBegin', 'beforeEnd', 'afterEnd']
'beforeBegin'(insert before the given element)
'afterBegin' (as the first child element of the given element)
'beforeEnd' (as the last child element of the given element)
'afterEnd'(insert after the given element);
stylish: CSS style, optional, modify the original web page style to adapt to the search engine jump toolbar
const webRules = [
name: "google网页搜索",
enabled: true,
url: /^https?:\/\/www\.google(?:\.[A-z]{2,3}){1,2}\/[^?]+\?(?!tbm=)(?:&?q=|(?:[^#](?!&tbm=))+?&q=)(?:.(?!&tbm=))*$|(^https?:\/\/xn--flw351e\.ml\/search\?q=)/,
engineList: "web",
class: "s6JM6d",
fixedTop: 52,
style: `
z-index: 100;
top: 57px;
style_ACBaidu: `
text-align: center;
z-index: 100;
margin: auto;
insertIntoDoc: {
target: "css;#appbar",
keyword: "css;[name=q]",
where: "beforeBegin",
"#appbar.hdtb-ab-o{height:0px !important;} #hdtbMenus{position:unset}",
name: "google-hash-query", // 不刷新页面显示搜索结果的google
enabled: true,
url: /^https?:\/\/www\.google(?:\.[A-z]{2,3}){1,2}\/[^#]*#(?:&?q=|.+?&q=).+/,
engineList: "web",
style: `
left: 142px;
z-index: 100;
style_ACBaidu: `
text-align: center;
z-index: 100;
margin:5px auto 0;
insertIntoDoc: {
target: "css;#appbar",
keyword: function () {
var input = document.getElementById("lst-ib");
if (input) return input.value;
where: "beforeBegin",
stylish: "body.vasq #hdtbMenus.hdtb-td-o{top:100px !important}",
name: "百度网页搜索",
url: /^https?:\/\/www\.baidu\.com\/(?:s|baidu)/,
enabled: true,
engineList: "web",
fixedTop: 80,
fixedTop2: 88,
fixedTopTarget: "css;#wrapper_wrapper",
fixedTopWhere: "beforeBegin",
style: `
z-index: 101;
left: 145px;
style_ACBaidu: `
margin: 8px auto -5px;
z-index: 99;
text-align: center;
padding-left:0px !important;
background: rgba(248,248,248,0.4);
backdrop-filter: blur(10px);
insertIntoDoc: {
keyword: "css;input#kw",
target: "css;#wrapper_wrapper",
where: "afterBegin",
stylish: `.headBlock,.se_common_hint{
display:none !important
z-index:300 !important
@media screen and (min-width: 1921px){
left: calc(50vw - 439px) !important;
name: "必应网页搜索",
url: /^https?:\/\/[^.]*\.bing\.com\/search/,
enabled: true,
engineList: "web",
style: `
margin-top: 1em;
left: 190px;
position: sticky;
top: 0.5em;
style_ACBaidu: `
text-align: center;
margin: 0 auto -10px;
position: sticky;
top: 0.5em;
insertIntoDoc: {
keyword: "css;#sb_form_q",
target: "css;#b_content",
where: "beforeBegin",
name: "DDG",
url: /^https?:\/\/duckduckgo\.com\/*/i,
enabled: true,
engineList: "web",
style: `
insertIntoDoc: {
keyword: '//input[@name="q"]',
target: "css;.results--main",
where: "beforeBegin",
name: "360",
url: /^https?:\/\/www\.so\.com\/s\?/,
enabled: true,
engineList: "web",
fixedTop: 50,
style: "margin: 1em 0 0 135px;position:sticky;top:55px;z-index:3001;",
insertIntoDoc: {
keyword: "//input[@name='q']",
target: "css;#tabs-wrap",
where: "afterEnd",
name: "雅虎网页搜索",
url: /^https?:\/\/search\.yahoo\.com\/search/i,
engineList: "web",
enabled: true,
fixedTop: 72,
style: `z-index:11;`,
insertIntoDoc: {
keyword: "css;#yschsp",
target: "css;#horizontal-bar",
where: "afterBegin",
name: "雅虎日本网页搜索",
url: /^https?:\/\/search\.yahoo\.co\.jp\/search/i,
engineList: "web",
enabled: true,
style: `
-webkit-box-orient: vertical;
-webkit-box-direction: normal;
margin: auto;
insertIntoDoc: {
keyword: '//input[@name="p"]',
target: "css;.Header__inner",
where: "afterEnd",
name: "台湾雅虎网页搜索",
url: /^https?:\/\/tw\.search\.yahoo\.com\/search/i,
engineList: "web",
enabled: true,
fixedTop: 52,
style: `
insertIntoDoc: {
keyword: "css;#yschsp",
target: "css;#results",
where: "afterBegin",
name: "searx",
url: /^https?:\/\/searx\.me\/\?q/i,
engineList: "web",
enabled: true,
style: `
insertIntoDoc: {
keyword: "css;#q",
target: "css;#categories",
where: "beforeBegin",
name: "搜狗",
url: /^https?:\/\/www\.sogou\.com\/(?:web|s)/,
enabled: true,
engineList: "web",
fixedTop: 60,
style: `
style_ACBaidu: `
margin: auto;
padding-left: 0px !important;
insertIntoDoc: {
keyword: "css;#upquery",
target: "css;#wrapper",
where: "afterBegin",
stylish: "#float_uphint{display:none;}",
name: "yandex",
url: /^https?:\/\/yandex\.(?:com|ru)\/search/i,
engineList: "web",
enabled: true,
fixedTop: 96,
class: "main__center",
style: `
margin:1em 0;
insertIntoDoc: {
keyword: "css;.input__control",
target: "css;.main__center",
where: "afterBegin",
stylish: ".main .main__center{padding-top:0px}",
name: "google网页分类搜索",
enabled: true,
url: /^https?:\/\/www\.google(?:\.[A-z]{2,3}){1,2}\/[^?]+\?(?:tbm=)(?:&?q=|(?:[^#](?!&tbm=))+?&q=)(?:.(?!&tbm=))*$/,
engineList: "web",
style: `
left: 142px;
z-index: 100;
insertIntoDoc: {
target: "css;#appbar",
keyword: '//input[@name="q"]',
where: "beforeBegin",
stylish: "body.vasq #hdtbMenus.hdtb-td-o{top:100px !important}",
name: "startpage",
enabled: true,
url: /^https?:\/\/(www\.)?startpage\.com\/[a-zA-Z]{2,3}\/search/,
engineList: "web",
fixedTop: 103,
style: `
z-index: 100;
insertIntoDoc: {
target: "css;.layout-web__mainline",
keyword: '//input[@name="query"]',
where: "afterBegin",
name: "infinitynewtab",
enabled: true,
url: /^https?:\/\/google\.infinitynewtab\.com\/\?q/i,
engineList: "web",
style: `
z-index: 100;
margin-top: 20px;
insertIntoDoc: {
target: "css;.search-types",
keyword: '//input[@name="search"]',
where: "afterBegin",
name: "ecosia",
enabled: true,
url: /^https?:\/\/www\.ecosia\.org\/search\?/i,
engineList: "web",
style: `
left: -10px;
margin-top: -20px;
insertIntoDoc: {
target: "css;.mainline",
keyword: '//input[@name="q"]',
where: "afterBegin",
name: "f搜",
enabled: true,
url: /^https?:\/\/fsoufsou\.com\/search/,
engineList: "web",
fixedTop: 111,
style: `
left: 50px;
z-index: -99999;
style_ACBaidu: `
text-align: center;
z-index: -99999;
margin:5px auto 0;
insertIntoDoc: {
target: "css;.input-with-suggestion",
keyword: function () {
var input = document.getElementById("search-input");
if (input) return input.value;
where: "beforeEnd",
stylish: ".tabs-bottom-border{transform: translate(0, 32px); !important}",
name: "brave",
enabled: true,
url: /^https?:\/\/search\.brave\.com\/search\?/i,
engineList: "web",
class: "container-80",
style: `
insertIntoDoc: {
target: "css;#search-main",
keyword: '//input[@name="q"]',
where: "beforeBegin",
name: "neeva",
enabled: true,
url: /^https?:\/\/neeva\.com\/search\?/i,
engineList: "web",
fixedTop: 80,
style: `
insertIntoDoc: {
target: "css;#search header",
keyword: '//input[@name="q"]',
where: "afterEnd",
name: "infinitynewtab",
enabled: true,
url: /^https?:\/\/google\.infinitynewtab\.com\/\?q/,
engineList: "web",
style: `
insertIntoDoc: {
target: "css;.searchbox-results",
keyword: "css;input.gsc-input",
where: "beforeBegin",
name: "头条搜索",
url: /^https?:\/\/so\.toutiao\.com\/search/,
engineList: "web",
enabled: true,
fixedTop: 75,
style: `
insertIntoDoc: {
target: "css;.result-content",
keyword: '//input[@type="search"]',
where: "beforeEnd",
name: "抖音搜索",
url: /^https?:\/\/www\.douyin\.com\/search/,
engineList: "web",
enabled: true,
fixedTop: 192,
fixedTopColor: "rgb(22,23,34)",
style: `
margin:-10px 0 0 -6px;
insertIntoDoc: {
target: "css;.CHUUyANc",
keyword: function () {
var input = document.querySelector('input[type="text"]');
if (input) return input.value;
where: "beforeEnd",
stylish: `
.IFYTLgyk.FMy9BImq {
margin-top: 170px;
body {
--font-color-qxin: #bdc1bc;
--background-color-qxin: #202124f0;
--background-avtive-color-qxin: #424242;
--background-active-enable-qxin: #274144;
--background-active-disable-qxin: #583535;
--background-hover-color-qxin: #424242;
--trigger-shown-qxin: #424242 !important;
--background-btn-qxin: #292f36;
--background-setting-qxin: #202124;
--box-shadow-color-sej: hsla(0, 0%, 70%, 10%);
--border-color-sej: #3b4547;
const knowledgeRules = [
name: "百度百科词条",
url: /^https?:\/\/baike\.baidu\.com\/item/,
engineList: "knowledge",
fixedTop: 65,
enabled: true,
style: `
text-align: center;
background: #fff;
margin: auto;
width: 100% !important;
position: sticky;
top: 66px;
z-index: 1001;
border-top-right-radius: 0;
border-top-left-radius: 0;
insertIntoDoc: {
keyword: "css;#query",
target: "css;.navbar-wrapper",
where: "beforeBegin",
name: "百度百科搜索",
url: /^https?:\/\/baike\.baidu\.com\/search/,
engineList: "knowledge",
enabled: true,
fixedTop: 56,
style: `
padding-left: 120px;
margin: 5px 0 -10px 0px;
insertIntoDoc: {
keyword: "css;#query",
target: "css;.header-wrapper",
where: "afterEnd",
name: "百度文库",
url: /^https?:\/\/wenku\.baidu\.com\/search/i,
engineList: "knowledge",
enabled: true,
fixedTop: 104,
style: `
insertIntoDoc: {
keyword: "css;#kw",
target: "css;#app > div.base-layout-content",
where: "afterBegin",
name: "百度知道",
url: /^https?:\/\/zhidao\.baidu\.com\/search/i,
engineList: "knowledge",
enabled: true,
style: `
border-top: 1px solid #e5e5e5;
border-bottom: 1px solid #e5e5e5;
margin-bottom: 1px;
insertIntoDoc: {
keyword: "css;#kw",
target: "css;#header",
where: "afterEnd",
name: "维基百科",
url: /^https?:\/\/\D{2,5}\.wikipedia\.org\/wiki/i,
engineList: "knowledge",
enabled: true,
style: `
position: fixed;
margin: 0.1em auto;
left: 0;
right: 0;
insertIntoDoc: {
keyword: function () {
var url = window.location.href.substring(
window.location.href.lastIndexOf("/") + 1
return decodeURIComponent(url);
target: "css;#mw-head",
where: "afterBegin",
name: "萌娘百科",
url: /^https?:\/\/.*\.?moegirl\.org\.cn/i,
engineList: "knowledge",
enabled: true,
fixedTop: 52,
style: `
margin: -0.8em auto 0;
z-index: 3;
width: 1200px !important;
top: 12px;
insertIntoDoc: {
keyword: "css;#firstHeading",
target: "css;#moe-topbanner-container",
where: "afterEnd",
name: "知乎",
url: /^https?:\/\/www\.zhihu\.com\/search\?/i,
engineList: "knowledge",
enabled: true,
fixedTop: 52,
style: `
margin: 10px auto 0px;
width:1000px !important;
background: #fff;
box-shadow: 0 1px 3px 0 rgba(0,34,77,.05);
style_ZhihuChenglinz: `
margin: 10px auto 0px;
background: #fff;
box-shadow: 0 1px 3px 0 rgba(0,34,77,.05);
insertIntoDoc: {
keyword: "css;.Input",
target: "css;.Search-container",
where: "beforeBegin",
stylish: ".TopSearch.Card{margin:30px auto;}",
name: "互动百科搜索页",
url: /^https?:\/\/so\.baike\.com\/doc/i,
engineList: "knowledge",
enabled: true,
style: `
border-top: 1px solid #e5e5e5;
text-align: center;
border-bottom: 1px solid #e5e5e5;
margin-bottom: 1px;
insertIntoDoc: {
keyword: "css;.ac_input",
target: "css;.bk-head",
where: "afterEnd",
name: "互动百科词条页",
url: /^https?:\/\/www\.baike\.com\/wiki/i,
engineList: "knowledge",
enabled: true,
style: `
border-top: 1px solid #e5e5e5;
text-align: center;
border-bottom: 1px solid #e5e5e5;
margin-bottom: 1px;
insertIntoDoc: {
keyword: "css;.ac_input",
target: "css;.bk-head",
where: "afterEnd",
name: "豆丁文档",
url: /^https?:\/\/www\.docin\.com\/search\.do/,
engineList: "knowledge",
enabled: true,
style: `
text-align: center;
margin:0 auto;
border-top:1px solid #00000;
border-bottom:1px solid #D9E1F7;
insertIntoDoc: {
keyword: "css;#topsearch",
target: "css;.doc_hd_mini",
where: "afterEnd",
name: "Quora",
url: /^https?:\/\/www\.quora\.com\/search\?/i,
enabled: true,
engineList: "knowledge",
fixedTop: 53,
style: `
left:calc((100% - 1120px) / 2);
margin-top: 30px;
insertIntoDoc: {
"css;#root > div > div.q-box > div > div.q-fixed.qu-fullX.qu-zIndex--header.qu-bg--raised.qu-borderBottom.qu-boxShadow--medium.qu-borderColor--raised > div > div:nth-child(2) > div > div.q-box.qu-flex--auto.qu-mx--small.qu-alignItems--center > div > div > form > div > div > div > div > div > input",
"css;#root > div > div.q-box > div > div:nth-child(3) > div > div",
where: "beforeBegin",
name: "StackOverflow",
url: /^https?:\/\/stackoverflow\.com\/search\?/i,
enabled: true,
engineList: "knowledge",
fixedTop: 50,
"width: min(100%, 1264px) !important;position: sticky;top: 50px;z-index:1001;margin:auto",
insertIntoDoc: {
keyword: "css; #search > div > input",
target: "css;body > div.container",
where: "beforeBegin",
name: "知乎(搜狗)",
url: /^https?:\/\/zhihu\.sogou\.com\/zhihu/,
enabled: true,
engineList: "knowledge",
fixedTop: 55,
style: `
margin: auto;
width: 1000px;
insertIntoDoc: {
keyword: "css;#upquery",
target: "css;#header",
where: "afterEnd",
stylish: ".header{ margin-bottom: 5px; }",
const videoRules = [
name: "优酷",
url: /^https?:\/\/www\.soku\.com\/search_video\//,
engineList: "video",
enabled: true,
fixedTop: 54,
style: `
margin:0 auto;
insertIntoDoc: {
keyword: "css;#headq",
target: "css;.sk_container",
where: "beforeBegin",
name: "土豆",
url: /^https?:\/\/www\.soku\.com\/t\/nisearch\//,
enabled: true,
engineList: "video",
style: `
padding-left: 10px;
border-top: 1px solid #FC6500;
border-bottom: 1px solid #FC6500;
text-align: center;
insertIntoDoc: {
keyword: "css;#headq",
target: "css;body > .sk_container",
where: "beforeBegin",
name: "哔哩哔哩",
url: /^https?:\/\/search\.bilibili\.com\/*/,
enabled: true,
engineList: "video",
fixedTop: 74,
style: `
margin:10px auto 10px;
insertIntoDoc: {
keyword: function () {
if (document.querySelector("#search-keyword")) {
return document.querySelector("#search-keyword").value;
} else {
return document.querySelector(".search-input-el").value;
target: function () {
if (document.querySelector(".head-contain")) {
return document.querySelector(".head-contain");
} else {
return document.querySelector(".search-input");
where: "afterEnd",
name: "AcFun",
url: /^https?:\/\/www\.acfun\.cn\/search/,
enabled: true,
engineList: "video",
fixedTop: 46,
style: `
margin: -30px 0 10px 0;
top: 65px;
insertIntoDoc: {
keyword: "css;#search-text--standalone",
target: "css;.search__main__container",
where: "afterEnd",
name: "YouTube",
url: /^https?:\/\/www\.youtube\.com\/results/,
enabled: true,
engineList: "video",
fixedTop: 58,
style: `
margin: 60px auto -60px;
text-align: center;
position: relative;
insertIntoDoc: {
keyword: "css;input#search",
target: "css;#page-manager",
where: "beforeBegin",
name: "niconico",
url: /^https?:\/\/www\.nicovideo\.jp\/search\//,
enabled: true,
engineList: "video",
style: `
border-top: 1px solid #E8E8E8;
border-bottom: 1px solid #E8E8E8;
text-align: center;
insertIntoDoc: {
keyword: "css;#search_united",
target: "css;.tagListBox",
where: "beforeBegin",
name: "Iqiyi",
url: /^https?:\/\/so\.iqiyi\.com\/so\/q/,
enabled: true,
engineList: "video",
fixedTop: 60,
style: `
margin:0 auto;
insertIntoDoc: {
keyword: "css;#data-widget-searchword",
target: "css;.mod_search_header",
where: "afterEnd",
name: "腾讯视频",
url: /^https?:\/\/v\.qq\.com\/x\/search/i,
engineList: "video",
enabled: true,
fixedTop: 60,
style: "width:1140px;margin:1em auto;z-index: 11;position:sticky;top:70px;",
insertIntoDoc: {
keyword: "css;#keywords",
target: "css;#search_container > div.wrapper > div.wrapper_main",
where: "afterBegin",
name: "樱花动漫",
url: /^https?:\/\/www\.imomoe\.ai\/search/,
engineList: "video",
enabled: true,
style: `
margin:-10px auto 10px;,
insertIntoDoc: {
keyword: '//input[@name="searchword"]',
target: "css;.head",
where: "afterEnd",
const musicRules = [
name: "百度音乐",
url: /^https?:\/\/music\.baidu\.com\/search/,
enabled: true,
engineList: "music",
style: `
border-top: 0px solid #0064C4;
margin-bottom: 5px;
insertIntoDoc: {
keyword: "css;#ww",
target: "css;.nav-wrapper",
where: "beforeBegin",
name: "一听音乐",
url: /^https?:\/\/so\.1ting\.com\/song/i,
enabled: true,
engineList: "music",
style: `
text-align: center;
border-bottom: 1px solid #13B310;
border-top: 1px solid #13B310;
insertIntoDoc: {
keyword: "css;#keyword",
target: "css;.nav",
where: "beforeBegin",
name: "xiami",
url: /^https?:\/\/www\.xiami\.com\/search/,
enabled: true,
engineList: "music",
style: `
text-align: center;
insertIntoDoc: {
keyword: "css;#search_text",
target: "css;.search_result",
where: "beforeBegin",
name: "QQ音乐",
url: /^https?:\/\/y\.qq\.com\/n\/ryqq\/search/i,
enabled: true,
engineList: "music",
style: `
margin: 1em auto;
position: sticky;
top: 68px;
insertIntoDoc: {
keyword: "css;#app>div>div.mod_search>div.mod_search_input>input",
target: "css;#app > div > div.main > div > div",
where: "afterBegin",
name: "网易云音乐",
url: /^https?:\/\/music\.163\.com\/.*?#\/search/i,
enabled: true,
engineList: "music",
fixedTop: 0,
style: `
insertIntoDoc: {
keyword: function () {
return decodeURI(document.URL.match(/s=(.+?)(&|$)/)[1]);
target: "css;.m-subnav.m-subnav-up.f-pr.j-tflag",
where: "afterEnd",
name: "音悦台",
url: /^https?:\/\/so\.yinyuetai\.com\/\?keyword/,
enabled: true,
engineList: "music",
style: `
border-bottom: 1px solid #2B6DAE;
border-top: 1px solid #2B6DAE;
text-align: center;
insertIntoDoc: {
keyword: function () {
var url = window.location.href.substring(
window.location.href.lastIndexOf("=") + 1
return decodeURIComponent(url);
target: "css;.content",
where: "afterEnd",
const imageRules = [
name: "百度图片",
url: /^https?:\/\/image\.baidu\.com\/search/i,
enabled: true,
engineList: "image",
fixedTop: 72, //关闭关联联想的情况下
// fixedTop:135, //
style: `
insertIntoDoc: {
keyword: "css;input#kw",
target: "css;.s_tab",
where: "afterEnd",
name: "谷歌图片",
url: /^https?:\/\/\w{2,10}\.google(?:\.\D{1,3}){1,2}\/[^?]+\?.*&tbm=isch/i,
enabled: true,
engineList: "image",
fixedTop: 52,
style: `
left: 160px;
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