// ==UserScript==
// @name florr.io | Petal farming progress counter
// @namespace Furaken
// @version 1.3.9
// @description Track and count the number of desired petals.
// @author Furaken, Max Nest
// @match https://florr.io/*
// @grant unsafeWindow
// @license AGPL3
// @run-at document-start
// ==/UserScript==
(async function () {
'use strict';
const inventoryBaseAddress = await new Promise((resolve, reject) => { // by Max Nest
function readVarUint32(arr) {
let idx = 0, res = 0;
do res |= (arr[idx] & 0b01111111) << idx * 7;
while (arr[idx++] & 0b10000000);
return [idx, res];
WebAssembly.instantiateStreaming =
(src, imports) => src.arrayBuffer().then(buf => WebAssembly.instantiate(buf, imports));
const _instantiate = WebAssembly.instantiate;
WebAssembly.instantiate = (buf, imports) => {
const arr = new Uint8Array(buf);
const addrs = [];
for (let i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {
let j = i;
if (arr[j++] !== 0x41) continue; // i32.const
if (arr[j++] !== 1) continue; // 1
if (arr[j++] !== 0x3a) continue; // i32.store8
if (arr[j++] !== 0) continue; // align=0
if (arr[j++] !== 0) continue; // offset=0
if (arr[j++] !== 0x41) continue; // i32.const
const [offset, addr] = readVarUint32(arr.subarray(j));
j += offset;
if (arr[j++] !== 0x41) continue; // i32.const
if (arr[j++] !== 5) continue; // 5
if (arr[j++] !== 0x36) continue; // i32.store
if (arr[j++] !== 2) continue; // align=2
if (arr[j++] !== 0) continue; // offset=0
addrs.push(addr >> 2);
if (addrs.length === 1) resolve(addrs[0]);
else reject(new Error('Failed to get inventory base address'));
return _instantiate(buf, imports);
function syntaxHighlight(json) { // https://stackoverflow.com/questions/4810841/pretty-print-json-using-javascript
if (typeof json != 'string') {
json = JSON.stringify(json, undefined, 2);
json = json.replace(/&/g, '&').replace(/</g, '<').replace(/>/g, '>')
return json.replace(/("(\\u[a-zA-Z0-9]{4}|\\[^u]|[^\\"])*"(\s*:)?|\b(true|false|null)\b|-?\d+(?:\.\d*)?(?:[eE][+\-]?\d+)?)/g, function (match) {
var c = color.json.number
if (/^"/.test(match)) {
if (/:$/.test(match)) {
c = color.json.key
} else {
c = color.json.string
} else if (/true|false/.test(match)) {
c = color.json.boolean
} else if (/null/.test(match)) {
c = color.json.null
return `<font style='font-weight: normal; color: ${c}'>${match}</font>`;
function abbNum(value) {
if (lcs_.exactNumber) return value
else {
return Math.abs(Number(value)) >= 1.0e+9
? (Math.abs(Number(value)) / 1.0e+9).toFixed(2) + "b"
: Math.abs(Number(value)) >= 1.0e+6
? (Math.abs(Number(value)) / 1.0e+6).toFixed(2) + "m"
: Math.abs(Number(value)) >= 1.0e+3
? (Math.abs(Number(value)) / 1.0e+3).toFixed(2) + "k"
: Math.abs(Number(value))
class ElementCreate {
constructor(tag) { this.element = document.createElement(tag) }
attr(attributes) {
for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(attributes)) this.element.setAttribute(key, value)
return this
style(styles) {
for (const [property, value] of Object.entries(styles)) this.element.style[property] = value
return this
content(content) {
if (typeof content == 'string') this.element.innerHTML = content
else if (content instanceof HTMLElement) this.element.appendChild(content)
return this
append(parent) {
const parentElement = typeof parent == 'string' ? document.querySelector(parent) : parent
return this
get() { return this.element }
function syncLcs() {
localStorage.__petalCounter = JSON.stringify(lcs_)
function getPetalAddr(id, thisRarity, inventoryBaseAddress) {
return inventoryBaseAddress + ((id + 1) * kRarity.length) - (kRarity.length - thisRarity)
let kRarity = [
{ name: 'Common', color: 0x7EEF6D },
{ name: 'Unusual', color: 0xFFE65D },
{ name: 'Rare', color: 0x4D52E3 },
{ name: 'Epic', color: 0x861FDE },
{ name: 'Legendary', color: 0xDE1F1F },
{ name: 'Mythic', color: 0x1FDBDE },
{ name: 'Ultra', color: 0xFF2B75 },
{ name: 'Super', color: 0x2BFFA3 },
{ name: 'Unique', color: 0x555555 }
const color = {
background: '#202020',
darker: '#1d1d1d',
primary: '#bb86fc',
secondary: '#03dac5',
tertiary: '#ff0266',
gray: '#666666',
json: {
string: '#ff0266',
number: '#03dac5',
boolean: '#bb86fc',
null: '#bb86fc',
key: '#9cdcfe'
const defaultLCS = {
notice: true,
toggleKey: {
Ctrl: false,
Shift: false,
Alt: false,
Meta: false,
key: ['=', 0],
code: 'Equal'
exactNumber: false,
count: {
petal: {}
let lcs_ = localStorage.__petalCounter || defaultLCS
if (typeof lcs_ == 'string') lcs_ = JSON.parse(lcs_)
for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(defaultLCS)) {
if (lcs_[key] == null) lcs_[key] = value
localStorage.__petalCounter = JSON.stringify(lcs_)
var isKeyPressed = { toggleKey: true },
image = {
petal: [],
blank: [],
icon: {
let interval1 = setInterval(() => {
if (!florrioUtils) {
florrioUtils = unsafeWindow?.florrio?.utils
if (!florrioUtils) return
kPetals = {
sidByNameOrder: florrioUtils.getPetals().map(x => [x.sid, x.sid.split('_')[x.sid.split('_').length - 1]]).sort(function (a, b) {
if (a[1] > b[1]) return 1
else return -1
}).map(x => x[0]),
sid: florrioUtils.getPetals().map(x => x.sid)
let thisRarity = new Array(florrioUtils.getPetals().find(x => x.allowedDropRarities != null).allowedDropRarities.length).fill({ name: '?', color: 0 })
thisRarity.forEach((x, i) => { if (kRarity[i]) thisRarity[i] = kRarity[i] })
kRarity = thisRarity
for (let r = 0; r < kRarity.length; r++) image.blank[r] = florrioUtils.generatePetalImage(128, florrioUtils.getPetals().find(x => x.sid == 'air').id, r, 3)
for (let p = 0; p < kPetals.sid.length; p++) image.petal[p] = florrioUtils.generatePetalImage(128, p + 1, kRarity.length - 1, 1)
module = Module.HEAPU32
const container = document.getElementById('__skContainer') || new ElementCreate('div')
.attr({ id: '__skContainer' })
margin: 0,
position: 'absolute',
top: '50%',
left: '50%',
transform: 'translate(-50%, -50%) scale(1)',
width: '80%',
height: '80%',
zIndex: '999',
transition: 'all 0.4s ease-in-out',
fontFamily: 'Consolas, "Courier New", monospace',
color: 'white',
cursor: 'default',
wordWrap: 'break-word'
const container_petalCounter = new ElementCreate('div')
backgroundColor: color.background,
borderRadius: '10px',
boxShadow: '5px 5px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.3)',
display: 'flex',
width: '100%',
height: '100%',
const container_petalCounter_main = new ElementCreate('div')
width: '70%',
padding: '30px',
fontSize: '14px',
lineHeight: '14px',
overflow: 'hidden auto',
whiteSpace: 'nowrap'
<img id='petalCounter_notice' src='${image.icon.notice}' style='float: right; height: 20px; background-color: ${color.darker}; padding: 10px; border-radius: 5px; cursor: pointer;'>
<div style='display: flex;' class='hover'>
<p style='width: 30%;'>Toggle key:</p>
<p style='width: 60%; cursor: pointer;' id='petalCounter_toggleKey'><font color='${color.primary}'>${getToggleKey()}</font></p>
<div style='display: flex;' class='hover'>
<p style='width: 30%;'>Exact number:</p>
<p style='width: 60%; cursor: pointer;' id='petalCounter_exactNumber'></p>
<div id='petalCounter_countAll' style='margin-bottom: 15px;'></div>
<div style='display: flex; flex-direction: column;'>
<div id='petalCounter_newPetal_container' style='border-radius: 5px; background: ${color.darker}; width: 100%; height: fit-content; transition: all 0.4s ease-in-out;'>
<h3 style='margin: 20px 0 5px 30px; padding: 0'>Add new petal</h3>
<div id='petalCounter_newPetal_container_rarity' style='padding: 0 20px 0 20px;'></div>
<div id='petalCounter_newPetal_container_petal' style='padding: 0 20px 20px 20px;'></div>
<div id='petalCounter_newPetal' class='button' style='margin-block: 15px; height: fit-content;'>Add</div>
<div id='petalCounter_progress'></div>
<pre id='petalCounter_json' style='border-radius: 10px; padding: 20px; background-color: ${color.darker}'>${syntaxHighlight(JSON.stringify(lcs_, null, 4))}</pre>
const container_petalCounter_notice = new ElementCreate('div')
width: '30%',
padding: '30px',
fontSize: '14px',
lineHeight: '14px',
overflowY: 'auto',
borderRadius: '0 10px 10px 0',
backgroundColor: color.darker,
<p id='petalCounter_message' style='margin-block: 10px;' class='hover'>Press <font color='${color.primary}'>${document.querySelector('#petalCounter_toggleKey > font').innerHTML}</font> to open/close this menu.</p>
<h1>How to add and count a petal's progress?</h1>
<p style='margin-block: 10px' class='hover'><font color='${color.tertiary}'>1.</font> In the <font color='${color.secondary}'>Progress</font> category, <font color='${color.secondary}'>choose at least 1</font> for each rarity and petal.<br><br>After that, click <font color='${color.secondary}'>Add</font> button to add the petals you chose into script.</p>
<p style='margin-block: 10px' class='hover'><font color='${color.tertiary}'>2.</font> Click on the line of that <font color='${color.secondary}'>petal's rarity</font> to modify its <font color='${color.secondary}'>Aim number</font> (set to 0 to remove it from script).<br><br>Or you can click on that <font color='${color.secondary}'>petal's image</font> to modify all rarities' aims at once.</p>
<p style='margin-block: 10px' class='hover'>Script is created by Furaken (discord: <font color='${color.secondary}'>samerkizi</font>).</p>
<p style='margin-block: 10px; cursor: pointer;' class='hover' onclick='window.open("https://github.com/Furaken")'>Github: <font color='${color.primary}'>https://github.com/Furaken</font>.</p>
<p style='margin-block: 10px; cursor: pointer;' class='hover' onclick='window.open("https://discord.gg/tmWUfg4FR9")'>Discord: <font color='${color.primary}'>https://discord.gg/tmWUfg4FR9</font>.</p>
<p style='margin-block: 10px' class='hover'>Special thanks to <font color='${color.secondary}'>Max Nest</font> for auto <font color='${color.tertiary}'>inventoryBaseAddress finder</font>.</p>
<p style='margin-block: 10px' class='hover'>Images by <font color='${color.secondary}'>M28</font>.</p>
<h2>January 24th 2025 - v1.3.6</h2>
<p style='margin-block: 10px' class='hover'>Removed smooth scrolling effect.</p>
<p style='margin-block: 10px' class='hover'>Reworked menu UI.</p>
<p style='margin-block: 10px' class='hover'>Some features were removed.</p>
<p style='margin-block: 10px' class='hover'>Script can find <font color='${color.primary}'>inventoryBaseAddress finder</font> automatically (Credit to <font color='${color.secondary}'>Max Nest</font>).</p>
<h2>January 04th 2024 - v1.2</h2>
<p style='margin-block: 10px' class='hover'>The container now has smooth scrolling effect (Credit to <font color='${color.secondary}'>Manuel Otto</font>).</p>
<p style='margin-block: 10px' class='hover'>Added multiple petals counter.</p>
<p style='margin-block: 10px' class='hover'>Added <font color='${color.primary}'>Auto update ID</font> (this requires you to use <font color='${color.primary}'>Find & Apply</font> at least one times).</p>
<h2>December 24th 2023 - v1.1</h2>
<p style='margin-block: 10px' class='hover'>Added 3 new petals.</p>
<p style='margin-block: 10px' class='hover'>Added a manual way to find Basic ID: <font color='${color.primary}'>Find & Apply</font> (Credit to <font color='${color.secondary}'>Max Nest</font>).</p>
<p style='margin-block: 10px' class='hover'>The container is now moveable and scalable.</p>
<p style='margin-block: 10px' class='hover'>Press <font color='${color.primary}'>=</font> key to show/hide the container, this is also available in earlier versions. You can custom it in settings now.</p>
setInterval(() => {
module = Module.HEAPU32
}, 10 * 1000)
function updateProgress() {
document.getElementById('petalCounter_json').innerHTML = syntaxHighlight(JSON.stringify(lcs_, null, 4))
function getToggleKey() {
let t = ''
for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(lcs_.toggleKey)) {
if (value == true) t += ' ' + key
if (key == 'key' && value[1] == 0) t += ` ${value[0].toUpperCase()} (${lcs_.toggleKey.code})`
return t
function buttonToggle(element, condition) {
condition = condition == true ? false : true
element.innerHTML = `<font color='${condition == true ? color.secondary : color.tertiary}'>${condition}</font>`
return condition
if (lcs_.exactNumber) document.getElementById(`petalCounter_exactNumber`).innerHTML = lcs_.exactNumber.toString().fontcolor(color.secondary)
else document.getElementById(`petalCounter_exactNumber`).innerHTML = lcs_.exactNumber.toString().fontcolor(color.tertiary)
document.getElementById('petalCounter_exactNumber').onclick = function () {
lcs_.exactNumber = buttonToggle(this, lcs_.exactNumber)
function noticeToggle() {
if (!lcs_.notice) {
container_petalCounter_main.style.width = '100%'
container_petalCounter_notice.style.display = 'none'
} else {
container_petalCounter_main.style.width = '70%'
container_petalCounter_notice.style.display = 'block'
document.getElementById('petalCounter_notice').onclick = function () {
lcs_.notice = lcs_.notice == true ? false : true
document.getElementById('petalCounter_toggleKey').onclick = function () {
if (isKeyPressed.toggleKey) {
isKeyPressed.toggleKey = false
this.innerHTML = 'Press a key'.toString().fontcolor(color.tertiary)
} else {
isKeyPressed.toggleKey = true
this.innerHTML = getToggleKey().toString().fontcolor(color.primary)
function countEachRarity() {
let a = '',
b = new Array(kRarity.length).fill(0)
for (let i = inventoryBaseAddress; i < inventoryBaseAddress + kPetals?.sid?.length * kRarity.length; i += kRarity.length) {
for (let j = 0; j < kRarity.length; j++) {
b[j] += module[i + j]
a += `<div style='display:flex; overflow-y: auto'>`
b.forEach((x, i) => {
a += `
<div style='display: flex; flex-direction: column; margin: 3px; padding: 10px' class='hover'>
<img style='width: 50px; height: 50px;' src='${image.blank[i]}'>
<font style='text-align: center; margin-top: 5px;' color='${color.primary}'>${abbNum(x)}</font>
a += `</div>`
document.getElementById('petalCounter_countAll').innerHTML = a
function countProgressOfEachPetal() {
let a = ''
for (const p in lcs_.count.petal) {
if (lcs_.count.petal[p].every(item => item == 0)) {
delete lcs_.count.petal[p]
a += `
<div style='display: flex; flex-direction: row; margin-bottom: 20px;'>
<img id='petalCounter_progress_petal_${p}' style='cursor: pointer' height='64px' src='${image.petal[kPetals?.sid.indexOf(p)]}'>
<div style='width: 100%'>
for (const r in lcs_.count.petal[p]) {
if (lcs_.count.petal[p][r] <= 0) continue
let amount = module[getPetalAddr(kPetals?.sid.indexOf(p), r, inventoryBaseAddress)]
let aim = lcs_.count.petal[p][r]
let percent = `${(amount / aim * 100).toFixed(2)}%`
a += `
<div id='petalCounter_progress_rarity_${kRarity[r].name}/${p}' class='hover' style='cursor: pointer; padding: 0 5px; margin: 0 10px 0 30px; display: flex; flex-direction: row; height: 20px;'>
<div style='width: 100px; margin-top: 3px;'>${kRarity[r].name}</div>
<div style='width: 30%; height: 7px; background-color: ${color.darker}; border-radius: 10px; margin: 7px 10px 0 0;'>
<div style='width: ${percent}; height: 100%; max-width: 100%; background-color: #${kRarity[r].color.toString(16)}; border-radius: 10px;'></div>
<div style='margin: 3px 0 0 10px; width: 20%;'>${abbNum(amount)}/${abbNum(aim)}</div>
<div style='margin: 3px 0 0 10px; width: 20%;'>${percent} ${amount / aim >= 1 ? `(${~~(amount / aim)})` : ''}</div>
a += `</div></div>`
document.getElementById('petalCounter_progress').innerHTML = a
document.querySelectorAll('#petalCounter_progress > div > img').forEach(x => {
x.onclick = function () {
if (x.id.startsWith('petalCounter_progress_petal_')) {
let p = x.id.replace('petalCounter_progress_petal_', '')
let b = new Array(kRarity.length).fill(0)
let aim = prompt(`Aim (${p})\n(Set to 0 to remove)\n${kRarity.map(x => x.name)}`, lcs_.count.petal[p].toString())
aim.split(',').forEach((rarityAim, i) => {
b[i] = isNaN(parseInt(rarityAim)) == true ? 0 : parseInt(rarityAim)
lcs_.count.petal[p] = b
document.querySelectorAll('#petalCounter_progress > div > div > div').forEach(x => {
x.onclick = function () {
if (x.id.startsWith('petalCounter_progress_rarity_')) {
let a = x.id.replace('petalCounter_progress_rarity_', '').split('/')
let r = a[0]
let p = a[1]
let aim = parseInt(prompt(`Aim (${r} ${p})\n(Set to 0 to remove)`, lcs_.count.petal[p][kRarity.map(x => x.name).indexOf(r)]))
if (!isNaN(aim) && aim >= 0) {
lcs_.count.petal[p][kRarity.map(x => x.name).indexOf(r)] = aim
function newPetal() {
let thisRarity = '',
thisPetal = ''
thisRarity += `<div style='display:flex; width: 100%; overflow-y: auto'>`
kRarity.forEach((x, i) => {
thisRarity += `
<div id='petalCounter_newPetal_container_rarity_${x.name}' class='hover selectable' style='margin: 2px; padding: 5px;'>
<img style='width: 50px; height: 50px; margin: 2px;' src='${image.blank[i]}'>
thisRarity += `</div>`
thisPetal += `<div style='display:flex; width: 100%; overflow-y: auto'>`
kPetals.sidByNameOrder.forEach(x => {
thisPetal += `
<div id='petalCounter_newPetal_container_petal_${x}' class='hover selectable' style='margin: 2px; padding: 5px;'>
<img style='width: 50px; height: 50px; margin: 2px;' src='${image.petal[kPetals?.sid.indexOf(x)]}'>
thisPetal += `</div>`
document.getElementById('petalCounter_newPetal_container_rarity').innerHTML = thisRarity
document.getElementById('petalCounter_newPetal_container_petal').innerHTML = thisPetal
document.querySelectorAll('.selectable').forEach(x => {
x.onclick = function () {
function addNewPetalIntoObj() {
document.getElementById('petalCounter_newPetal').onclick = function () {
let selected = Array.from(document.querySelectorAll('.selected')).map(x => x.id)
selected = selected.map(x => x.replace(/petalCounter_newPetal_container_rarity_|petalCounter_newPetal_container_petal_/g, ''))
let raritySelected = selected.filter(x => kRarity.map(x => x.name).includes(x))
let petalSelected = selected.filter(x => !kRarity.map(x => x.name).includes(x))
for (let i = 0; i < petalSelected.length; i++) {
if (raritySelected.length == 0) break
if (!lcs_.count.petal[petalSelected[i]]) lcs_.count.petal[petalSelected[i]] = new Array(kRarity.length).fill(0)
for (let j = 0; j < raritySelected.length; j++) {
lcs_.count.petal[petalSelected[i]][kRarity.map(x => x.name).indexOf(raritySelected[j])] = 1
document.documentElement.addEventListener('keydown', function (e) {
if (!isKeyPressed.toggleKey) {
lcs_.toggleKey = {
Ctrl: e.ctrlKey,
Shift: e.shiftKey,
Alt: e.altKey,
Meta: e.metaKey,
key: [e.key, e.location],
code: e.code,
else if (e.key == lcs_.toggleKey.key[0] && e.ctrlKey == lcs_.toggleKey.Ctrl && e.shiftKey == lcs_.toggleKey.Shift && e.altKey == lcs_.toggleKey.Alt && e.metaKey == lcs_.toggleKey.Meta && !e.repeat) {
container.style.transform = container.style.transform == 'translate(-50%, -50%) scale(1)' ? 'translate(-50%, -50%) scale(0)' : 'translate(-50%, -50%) scale(1)'
document.documentElement.addEventListener('keyup', function (e) {
if (!isKeyPressed.toggleKey) {
isKeyPressed.toggleKey = true
document.getElementById('petalCounter_toggleKey').innerHTML = getToggleKey().toString().fontcolor(color.primary)
document.querySelector('#petalCounter_message > font').innerHTML = document.getElementById('petalCounter_toggleKey').innerHTML
new ElementCreate('style').content(`
p {
margin: 3px;
h1 {
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background-color: ${color.secondary}33!important;
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