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Empire Overview

Script for Ikariam 8.x.x, Overview tables for resources, buildings and military inspired by Ikariam Empire Board

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Değerlendirme: İdare eder - script çalışıyor ama hataları var

Gönderildi: 26.11.2023

Pirate Fortress

Вероятно, указанное время не соответствует действительности.
Здесь оно дается в абсолютных цифрах, а в других случаях используется формула

The time specified is probably not correct.
Here it is given in absolute figures and in the others there is a formula.

Pirate Fortress

For comparison

				dur:(()=>{var t=[];var c={a:11520,b:1,c:1.4,d:0};for(var i=0;i<20;i++){var d=Math.round(c.a/c.b*Math.pow(c.c,i+1)-c.d)-(c.e!=undefined?(c.e[i]!=undefined?c.e[i]:0):0);t.push((d>1728e3?1728e3:d));}return t;})(),

Gönderildi: 26.11.2023

Для правильной формулы нужны правильные константы для расчета.

Gönderildi: 03.12.2023
Düzenlendi: 03.12.2023

The building durations for the pirate fortress do not follow the same pattern of formula as the rest of the buildings.
That's why you see the absolute values in seconds as an array.
If you are good at mathematics, feel free to help us find the formula.

Gönderildi: 03.12.2023

This Excel file contains this time. Unfortunately there is no formula but only a conversion from hours to days.

Gönderildi: 03.12.2023

The array with the building durations for pirate fortress have been verified multiple times, so there is nothing to search further more for them.
The second option is someone to find the formula that produces them and add this newly found formula and coefficients in the script.
I don't know if there is any third way to handle this situation but I am open to suggestions.

Gönderildi: 20.01.2024

This Excel file contains this time. Unfortunately there is no formula but only a conversion from hours to days.

Link error now

Gönderildi: 21.01.2024


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