Greasy Fork is available in English.

Mastodon custom

Mastodon customizer; change colors, fonts, and more.

/* ==UserStyle==
@name Mastodon custom
@description Mastodon customizer; change colors, fonts, and more.
@version 1.1
@license MIT
==/UserStyle== */

@font-face {
	 font-family: "Ariel1";
	 src: local("Libre Baskerville"), url("https://arielbecker/etc/fuentes/LibreBaskerville-Regular.ttf") format("ttf");
	 font-style: normal;
	 font-weight: 400;
@font-face {
	 font-family: "Ariel2";
	 src: local("JackInput"), url("https://arielbecker/etc/fuentes/JAi_____.TTF") format("ttf");
	 font-style: normal;
	 font-weight: 400;
@font-face {
	 font-family: "Ariel3";
	 src: local("Virtue"), url("https://arielbecker/etc/fuentes/virtue.ttf") format("ttf");
	 font-style: normal;
	 font-weight: 400;
body {
	 font-family: "Ariel3", monospace !important;
	 font-size: 12pt;
	 line-height: 14pt;
.status__content {
	 font-size: 10pt;
	 line-height: 12pt;
.drawer {
	 width: 16%;
.column {
	 width: 28%;
.columns-area {
	 max-width: 100vw;
.column-header .column-header__button .drawer__header {
	 background: #282828;

.column-header__button {
	color: #dde3ec;