Opera Browser Rocker+Mouse Gestures + Search HighLight

This script works on any browser and simulates the Opera Browser Mouse+Rocker Gestures, along with the Search HighLight and Units+Currency Converters, but with this script you can modify or disable them as you want.

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Bunu da sevebilirsiniz: Precise Time Converter on Google.

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// ==UserScript==
// @name               Opera Browser Rocker+Mouse Gestures + Search HighLight
// @namespace          OperaBrowserGestures
// @description        This script works on any browser and simulates the Opera Browser Mouse+Rocker Gestures, along with the Search HighLight and Units+Currency Converters, but with this script you can modify or disable them as you want.
// @version            58
// @author             hacker09
// @include            *
// @icon               https://t3.gstatic.com/faviconV2?client=SOCIAL&type=FAVICON&fallback_opts=TYPE,SIZE,URL&url=https://www.opera.com/&size=64
// @require            https://greasyfork.org/scripts/446666-jquery-core-minified/code/jQuery%20Core%20minified.js
// @grant              GM_registerMenuCommand
// @grant              GM.xmlHttpRequest
// @grant              GM_deleteValue
// @grant              GM_openInTab
// @grant              window.close
// @run-at             document-end
// @grant              GM_setValue
// @grant              GM_getValue
// @connect            google.com
// ==/UserScript==

// *** Mouse Gesture Settings Below *****************************************************************************************************************************************
GM_registerMenuCommand("Enable/Disable Mouse Gestures", MouseGestures); //Adds an option to the tampermonkey menu
if (GM_getValue("MouseGestures") !== true && GM_getValue("MouseGestures") !== false) { //If the value doesn't exist define as true
  GM_setValue("MouseGestures", true); //Defines the variable as true
} //Finishes the if condition

function MouseGestures() //Function to enable or disable the MouseGestures
{ //Starts the function MouseGestures
  if (GM_getValue("MouseGestures") === true) { //If the last config was true, set as false
    GM_setValue("MouseGestures", false); //Defines the variable as false
  } //Finishes the if condition
  else { //If the last config was false, set as true
    GM_setValue("MouseGestures", true); //Defines the variable as true
    location.reload(); //Reloads the page
  } //Finishes the else condition
} //Finishes the function MouseGestures

if (GM_getValue("MouseGestures") === true) //If the MouseGestures is enabled
{ //Starts the if condition
  const SENSITIVITY = 3; // Adjust the script mouse sensitivity here between 1 ~ 5
  const TOLERANCE = 3; // Adjust the script mouse tolerance here between  1 ~ 5

  const funcs = { //Variable to store the functions

    'L': function() { //Function that will run when the mouse movement Left is performed
      window.history.back(); //Go Back
    }, //Finishes the mouse movement Left

    'R': function() { //Function that will run when the mouse movement Right is performed
      window.history.forward(); //Go Forward
    }, //Finishes the mouse movement Right

    'D': function() { //Function that will run when the mouse movement Down is performed
      if (IsShiftNotPressed === true) { //If the shift key isn't being pressed
        GM_openInTab(link, { //Open the link on a new tab
          active: true, //Focus on the new tab
          insert: true, //Insert the new tab after the actual tab
          setParent: true //Return to the tab the user was in
        }); //Open the link that was hovered
      } //Finishes the if condition
    }, //Finishes the mouse movement Down

    'UD': function() { //Function that will run when the mouse movement Up+Down is performed
      location.reload(); //Reload the Tab
    }, //Finishes the mouse movement Up+Down

    'DR': function(e) { //Function that will run when the mouse movement Down+Right is performed
      top.close(); //Close the tab
      e.preventDefault(); //Prevent the default context menu from being opened
      e.stopPropagation(); //Prevent the default context menu from being opened
    }, //Finishes the mouse movement Down+Right

    'DU': function() { //Function that will run when the mouse movement Down+Up is performed
      GM_openInTab(link, { //Open the link that was hovered
        active: false, //Don't focus on the new tab
        insert: true, //Insert the new tab after the actual tab
        setParent: true //Return to the tab the user was in
      }); //Open the link that was hovered on a new background tab
    } //Finishes the mouse movement Down+Up

  }; //Finishes the variable to store the functions

  // *** Below this line is the math codes that track the mouse movement gestures *******************************************************************************************
  const s = 1 << ((7 - SENSITIVITY) << 1);
  const t1 = Math.tan(0.15708 * TOLERANCE),
    t2 = 1 / t1;

  let x, y, path;

  const tracer = function(e) { //Starts the const tracer
    let cx = e.clientX,
      cy = e.clientY,
      deltaX = cx - x,
      deltaY = cy - y,
      distance = deltaX * deltaX + deltaY * deltaY;
    if (distance > s) {
      let slope = Math.abs(deltaY / deltaX),
        direction = '';
      if (slope > t1) {
        direction = deltaY > 0 ? 'D' : 'U';
      } else if (slope <= t2) {
        direction = deltaX > 0 ? 'R' : 'L';
      if (path.charAt(path.length - 1) !== direction) {
        path += direction;
      x = cx;
      y = cy;
  }; //Finishes the const tracer

  window.addEventListener('mousedown', function(e) { //Add an event listener to the page to detect when the mouse is clicked
    if (e.which === 3) { //Starts the if condition
      x = e.clientX;
      y = e.clientY;
      path = "";
      window.addEventListener('mousemove', tracer, false); //Add an event listener to the page to detect the mouse position
    } //Finishes the if condition
  }, false); //Finishes the event listener

  var IsShiftNotPressed = true; //Variable to hold the shift key status
  window.addEventListener("contextmenu", function(e) { //Adds an event listener to the page to know when the shift key is pressed or not
    if (e.shiftKey) { //If the shift key was pressed
      IsShiftNotPressed = false; //Variable to hold the shift key status
      open(link, '_blank', 'height=' + screen.height + ',width=' + screen.width); //Open the link on a new window
    } //Finishes the if condition
    if (LeftClicked === true) { //If the Left Click was released when the Rocker Mouse Gestures were activated
      e.preventDefault(); //Prevent the default context menu from being opened
      e.stopPropagation(); //Prevent the default context menu from being opened
    } //Finishes the if condition
    setTimeout(function() { //Starts the set timeout function
      IsShiftNotPressed = true; //Variable to hold the shift key status
    }, 500); //Finishes the set timeout function
  }, false); //Finishes the event listener

  window.addEventListener('contextmenu', function(e) { //When the right click button is released
    window.removeEventListener('mousemove', tracer, false); //Stop tracking the mouse movements
    if (path !== "") { //Starts the if condition
      e.preventDefault(); //Prevent the default context menu from being opened
      if (funcs.hasOwnProperty(path)) { //Starts the if condition
      } //Finishes the if condition
    } //Finishes the if condition
  }, false); //Finishes the event listener

  var link; //Make the variable global
  Array.from(document.querySelectorAll('a')).forEach(Element => Element.onmouseover = function() { //Get all the a link elements and add an event listener to the link element
    link = this.href; //Store the actual hovered link to a variable
  }); //Finishes the forEach

  Array.from(document.querySelectorAll('a')).forEach(Element => Element.onmouseout = function() { //Get all the a link elements and add an event listener to the link element
    var PreviousLink = link; //Save the actual hovered link to another variable
    setTimeout(function() { //Starts the set timeout function
      if (PreviousLink === link) //If the actual hovered link is still the same as the previously hovered Link
      { //Starts the if condition
        link = 'about:newtab'; //Make the script open a new browser tab when the mouse leaves any link that was hovered
      } //Finishes the if condition
    }, 200); //Finishes the set timeout function
  }); //Finishes the forEach

} //Finishes the if condition

// *** Rocker Mouse Gesture Settings Below ***********************************************************************************************************************************
GM_registerMenuCommand("Enable/Disable Rocker Mouse Gestures", RockerMouseGestures); //Adds an option to the tampermonkey menu
if (GM_getValue("RockerMouseGestures") !== true && GM_getValue("RockerMouseGestures") !== false) { //If the value doesn't exist define as false
  GM_setValue("RockerMouseGestures", false); //Defines the variable as false
} //Finishes the if condition

function RockerMouseGestures() //Function to enable or disable the RockerMouseGestures
{ //Starts the function RockerMouseGestures
  if (GM_getValue("RockerMouseGestures") === true) { //If the last config was true, set as false
    GM_setValue("RockerMouseGestures", false); //Defines the variable as false
  } //Finishes the if condition
  else { //If the last config was false, set as true
    GM_setValue("RockerMouseGestures", true); //Defines the variable as true
    location.reload(); //Reloads the page
  } //Finishes the else condition
} //Finishes the function RockerMouseGestures

if (GM_getValue("RockerMouseGestures") === true || GM_getValue("SearchHiLight") === true) //If the RockerMouseGestures or the SearchHiLight is enabled
{ //Starts the if condition
  var LeftClicked, RightClicked; //Make these variables global
  window.addEventListener("mousedown", function(e) { //Detect the right and left mouse clicks presses on the page
    switch (e.button) { //Start the switch condition
      case 0: //If Left Click was Pressed
        LeftClicked = true; //Set the variable LeftClicked as true
        break; //Don't execute the lines below if the Left Key was Pressed
      case 2: //If Right Click was Pressed
        RightClicked = true; //Set the variable RightClicked as true
        break; //Don't execute the lines below if the Right Key was Pressed
    } //Finishes the switch condition
  }, false); //Finishes the event listener mouse down

  window.addEventListener("mouseup", function(e) { //Detect the right and left mouse clicks releases on the page
    switch (e.button) { //Start the switch condition
      case 0: //If Left Click was released
        LeftClicked = false; //Set the variable LeftClicked as false
        break; //Don't execute the lines below if the Left Key was Pressed
      case 2: //If Right Click was released
        RightClicked = false; //Set the variable RightClicked as false
        break; //Don't execute the lines below if the Left Key was Pressed
    } //Finishes the switch condition
    if (LeftClicked && RightClicked === false) { //If Left was Clicked and then Right Click was released
      history.back(); //Go Back
    } //Finishes the if condition
    if (RightClicked && LeftClicked === false) { //If Right was Clicked and then Left Click was released
      history.forward(); //Go Forward
    } //Finishes the if condition
  }, false); //Finishes the event listener mouse up
} //Finishes the if condition

// *** SearchHighLight Below *************************************************************************************************************************************************
GM_registerMenuCommand("Enable/Disable SearchHiLight", SearchHiLight); //Adds an option to the tampermonkey menu
if (GM_getValue("SearchHiLight") !== true && GM_getValue("SearchHiLight") !== false) { //If the value doesn't exist define as true
  GM_setValue("SearchHiLight", true); //Defines the variable as true
} //Finishes the if condition

if (GM_getValue("CurrenciesConverter") !== true && GM_getValue("CurrenciesConverter") !== false) { //If the value doesn't exist define as true
  GM_setValue("CurrenciesConverter", true); //Defines the variable as true
} //Finishes the if condition

if (GM_getValue("UnitsConverter") !== true && GM_getValue("UnitsConverter") !== false) { //If the value doesn't exist define as true
  GM_setValue("UnitsConverter", true); //Defines the variable as true
} //Finishes the if condition

function SearchHiLight() //Function to enable or disable the SearchHiLight and the Currency/Unit converters
{ //Starts the function SearchHiLight
  if (GM_getValue("SearchHiLight") === true) { //If the last config was true, set as false
    GM_setValue("SearchHiLight", false); //Defines the variable as false
    GM_setValue("CurrenciesConverter", false); //Defines the variable as false
    GM_deleteValue('YourLocalCurrency'); //Remove the YourLocalCurrency variable of the tampermonkey storage
    GM_setValue("UnitsConverter", false); //Defines the variable as false
  } //Finishes the if condition
  else { //If the last config was false, set as true
    GM_setValue("SearchHiLight", true); //Defines the variable as true

    if (confirm('If you want to enable the Currency Converter press OK.')) //Show the confirmation alert box text
    { //Starts the if condition
      GM_setValue("CurrenciesConverter", true); //Defines the variable as true
    } //Finishes the if condition
    else //If the user pressed cancel
    { //Starts the else condition
      GM_setValue("CurrenciesConverter", false); //Defines the variable as false
    } //Finishes the else condition

    if (confirm('If you want to enable the Units Converter press OK.')) //Show the confirmation alert box text
    { //Starts the if condition
      GM_setValue("UnitsConverter", true); //Defines the variable as true
    } //Finishes the if condition
    else //If the user pressed cancel
    { //Starts the else condition
      GM_setValue("UnitsConverter", false); //Defines the variable as false
    } //Finishes the else condition

    location.reload(); //Reloads the page
  } //Finishes the else condition
} //Finishes the function SearchHiLight

if (GM_getValue("SearchHiLight") === true) //If the SearchHiLight is enabled
{ //Starts the if condition

  var $ = window.jQuery; //Defines That The Symbol $ Is A jQuery
  var SelectedTextIsLink; //Creates a new global variable
  var Links = new RegExp(/\.org|\.ly|\.net|\.co|\.tv|\.me|\.biz|\.club|\.site|\.br|\.gov|\.io|\.jp|\.edu|\.au|\.in|\.it|\.ca|\.mx|\.fr|\.tw|\.il|\.uk|\.zoom\.us|\youtu.be/i); //Creates a global variable to check if a link is matched
  var FinalCurrency, SelectedText, SelectedTextSearch = ''; //Make these variables global

  $(function() { //Starts the function
    var menu = $("#highlight_menu", $("#highlight_menu_div")[0].shadowRoot); //Creates a variable to hold the menu element
    document.body.addEventListener('mouseup', function() { //When the user releases the mouse click after selecting something
      SelectedText = getSelection().toString(); //Creates a variable to store the selected text
      SelectedTextSearch = getSelection().toString().replaceAll('&', '%26'); //Creates a variable to store the selected text to be opened on Google

      if (GM_getValue("CurrenciesConverter") === true) { //If the Currencies Converter option is activated
        document.querySelector("#highlight_menu_div").shadowRoot.querySelector("#ShowCurrencyORUnits").innerText = ''; //Remove the previous Currency text
        var Currencies = new RegExp(/^[ \t\xA0]*(?=.*?(\d+(?:.\d+)?))(?=(?:\1[ \t\xA0]*)?(Dólares|dolares|dólares|dollars|AUD|BGN|BRL|BCH|BTC|BYN|CAD|CHF|CNY|CZK|DKK|EUR|EGP|ETH|GBP|GEL|HKD|HRK|HUF|IDR|ILS|INR|JPY|LTC|KRW|MXN|MYR|NOK|NZD|PHP|PLN|RON|RM|RUB|SEK|SGD|THB|TRY|USD|UAH|ZAR|KZT|YTL|\$|R\$|HK\$|US\$|\$US|¥|€|Rp|kn|Kč|kr|zł|£|฿|₩))(?:\1[ \t\xA0]*\2|\2[ \t\xA0]*\1)[ \t\xA0]*$/i); //Adds an regex expression to the Currencies variable

        if (SelectedText.match(Currencies) !== null) //If the selected text is a currency
        { //Starts the if condition

          if (GM_getValue("YourLocalCurrency") === undefined) { //If the value is undefined
            var UserInput = prompt('This is the first time that you selected a currency.\nThis is the first and last time this popup will appear, so please write your local currency so that the script will always use your local currency to make exchange-rate conversions.\n*Example of what you should write: BRL\nCAD\nUSD\netc...\n*Press OK'); //Gets the user input
            GM_setValue("YourLocalCurrency", UserInput); //Defines the variable as the UserInput
          } //Finishes the if condition

          (async () => { //Creates a function to get the final value
            var CurrencySymbol = SelectedText.match(Currencies)[2]; //Get the actual currency symbol supposing "it's correct"
            var CurrencySymbols = new RegExp(/\$|R\$|HK\$|US\$|\$US|¥|€|Rp|kn|Kč|kr|zł|£|฿|₩/i); //Create a variable to check for the selected currency symbols
            if (SelectedText.match(Currencies)[2].match(CurrencySymbols) !== null) //If the selected currency contains a symbol
            { //Starts the if condition

              switch (SelectedText.match(CurrencySymbols)[0].toLowerCase()) { //If the selected currency contains a symbol
                case '$': //Get the actual selected currency symbol
                case 'us$': //Get the actual selected currency symbol
                case '$us': //Get the actual selected currency symbol
                  CurrencySymbol = 'USD'; //"Convert" the symbol to the Currency Letters
                  break; //Stop trying to get the correct Currency Letters
                case 'r$': //Get the actual selected currency symbol
                  CurrencySymbol = 'BRL'; //"Convert" the symbol to the Currency Letters
                  break; //Stop trying to get the correct Currency Letters
                case 'hk$': //Get the actual selected currency symbol
                  CurrencySymbol = 'HKD'; //"Convert" the symbol to the Currency Letters
                  break; //Stop trying to get the correct Currency Letters
                case "¥": //Get the actual selected currency symbol
                  CurrencySymbol = 'JPY'; //"Convert" the symbol to the Currency Letters
                  break; //Stop trying to get the correct Currency Letters
                case '€': //Get the actual selected currency symbol
                  CurrencySymbol = 'EUR'; //"Convert" the symbol to the Currency Letters
                  break; //Stop trying to get the correct Currency Letters
                case 'rp': //Get the actual selected currency symbol
                  CurrencySymbol = 'IDR'; //"Convert" the symbol to the Currency Letters
                  break; //Stop trying to get the correct Currency Letters
                case 'kn': //Get the actual selected currency symbol
                  CurrencySymbol = 'HRK'; //"Convert" the symbol to the Currency Letters
                  break; //Stop trying to get the correct Currency Letters
                case 'kč': //Get the actual selected currency symbol
                  CurrencySymbol = 'CZK'; //"Convert" the symbol to the Currency Letters
                  break; //Stop trying to get the correct Currency Letters
                case 'kr': //Get the actual selected currency symbol
                  CurrencySymbol = 'DKK'; //"Convert" the symbol to the Currency Letters
                  break; //Stop trying to get the correct Currency Letters
                case 'zł': //Get the actual selected currency symbol
                  CurrencySymbol = 'PLN'; //"Convert" the symbol to the Currency Letters
                  break; //Stop trying to get the correct Currency Letters
                case '£': //Get the actual selected currency symbol
                  CurrencySymbol = 'GBP'; //"Convert" the symbol to the Currency Letters
                  break; //Stop trying to get the correct Currency Letters
                case '฿': //Get the actual selected currency symbol
                  CurrencySymbol = 'THB'; //"Convert" the symbol to the Currency Letters
                  break; //Stop trying to get the correct Currency Letters
                case '₩': //Get the actual selected currency symbol
                  CurrencySymbol = 'KRW'; //"Convert" the symbol to the Currency Letters
                  break; //Stop trying to get the correct Currency Letters
              } //Finishes the switch condition
            } //Finishes the if condition

              method: "GET",
              url: `https://www.google.com/search?q=${SelectedText.match(Currencies)[1]} ${CurrencySymbol} in ${GM_getValue("YourLocalCurrency")}`,
              onload: (response) => {
                const newDocument = new DOMParser().parseFromString(response.responseText, 'text/html'); //Parses the fetch response
                const FinalCurrency = parseFloat(newDocument.querySelector(".SwHCTb").innerText.split(' ')[0].replaceAll(',', ''));

                if (SelectedText.match(Currencies)[2].match(CurrencySymbols) !== null) { //If the selected currency contains a symbol
                  document.querySelector("#highlight_menu_div").shadowRoot.querySelector("#ShowCurrencyORUnits").innerText = CurrencySymbol + ' 🠂 ' + Intl.NumberFormat(navigator.language, {
                    style: 'currency',
                    currency: GM_getValue("YourLocalCurrency")
                  }).format(FinalCurrency) + ' | '; //Show the FinalCurrency on the menu
                } else { //If the selected currency contains no symbol
                  document.querySelector("#highlight_menu_div").shadowRoot.querySelector("#ShowCurrencyORUnits").innerText = Intl.NumberFormat(navigator.language, {
                    style: 'currency',
                    currency: GM_getValue("YourLocalCurrency")
                  }).format(FinalCurrency) + ' | '; //Show the FinalCurrency on the menu

                var text = document.querySelector("#highlight_menu_div").shadowRoot.querySelector("#ShowCurrencyORUnits").innerText; //Save the actual currency text
                document.querySelector("#highlight_menu_div").shadowRoot.querySelector("#ShowCurrencyORUnits").onmousemove = function() { //When the mouse is hovering the currency
                  document.querySelector("#highlight_menu_div").shadowRoot.querySelector("#ShowCurrencyORUnits").innerText = "Copy | "; //Change the element text to copy
                }; //Finishes the onmousemove event listener

                document.querySelector("#highlight_menu_div").shadowRoot.querySelector("#ShowCurrencyORUnits").onmouseout = function() { //When the mouse leaves the button
                  document.querySelector("#highlight_menu_div").shadowRoot.querySelector("#ShowCurrencyORUnits").innerText = text; //Return the previous text
                }; //Finishes the onmouseout event listener

                document.querySelector("#highlight_menu_div").shadowRoot.querySelector("#ShowCurrencyORUnits").onclick = function() { //When the user clicks on the currency
                  document.querySelector("#highlight_menu_div").shadowRoot.querySelector("#ShowCurrencyORUnits").innerText = "Done | "; //Change the element text to copy
                  navigator.clipboard.writeText(Intl.NumberFormat(navigator.language, {
                    style: 'currency',
                    currency: GM_getValue("YourLocalCurrency")
                  }).format(FinalCurrency)); //Copy the Final Currency
                }; //Finishes the onclick event listener

          })(); //Finishes the async function
        } //Finishes the if condition
      } //Finishes the if condition

      if (GM_getValue("UnitsConverter") === true) { //If the Units Converter option is activated
        document.querySelector("#highlight_menu_div").shadowRoot.querySelector("#ShowCurrencyORUnits").innerText = ''; //Remove the previous Units text
        var Units = new RegExp(/^[ \t\xA0]*(-?\d+(?:[., ]\d+)?)[ \t\xA0]*("|inch|inches|in|cms?|centimeters?|meters?|ft|kg|lbs?|pounds?|kilograms?|ounces?|g|ozs?|fl oz|fl oz (us)|fluid ounces?|kphs?|km\/h|kilometers per hours?|mphs?|meters per hours?|°?º?[CF]|km\/hs?|ml|milliliters?|l|liters?|litres?|gal|gallons?|yards?|yd|Millimeter|millimetre|kilometers?|mi|mm|miles?|km|ft|fl|feets?|mts?|grams?|kilowatts?|kws?|brake horsepower|mechanical horsepower|hps?|bhps?|miles per gallons?|mpgs?|liters per 100 kilometers?|l\/100km|liquid quarts?|lqs?|foot-?pounds?|ft-?lbs?|lb fts?|newton-?meters?|nm|\^\d+)[ \t\xA0]*(?:\(\w+\)[ \t\xA0]*)?$/i); //Adds an regex expression to the Units variable

        if (SelectedText.match(Units) !== null) //If the selected text is an unit
        { //Starts the if condition

          var SelectedUnitValue = SelectedText.match(Units)[1].replaceAll(',', '.'); //Get the selected unit value and store the value to a variable

          switch (SelectedText.match(Units)[2].toLowerCase()) { //Set all letters to Lower Case and convert the selected unit to another unit the same way the Opera Browser does
            case 'inch': //Get the actual selected unit type
            case 'inches': //Get the actual selected unit type
            case 'in': //Get the actual selected unit type
            case '"': //Get the actual selected unit type
              var NewUnit = 'cm'; //"Convert" the current unit to another unit
              var ConvertedUnit = parseFloat(SelectedUnitValue * 2.54).toFixed(2); //Gets the converted unit result
              break; //Stop
            case 'centimeter': //Get the actual selected unit type
            case 'centimeters': //Get the actual selected unit type
            case 'cm': //Get the actual selected unit type
            case 'cms': //Get the actual selected unit type
              NewUnit = 'in'; //"Convert" the current unit to another unit
              ConvertedUnit = parseFloat(SelectedUnitValue / 2.54).toFixed(2); //Gets the converted unit result
              break; //Stop
            case 'mt': //Get the actual selected unit type
            case 'mts': //Get the actual selected unit type
            case 'meters': //Get the actual selected unit type
            case 'meter': //Get the actual selected unit type
              NewUnit = 'ft'; //"Convert" the current unit to another unit
              ConvertedUnit = parseFloat(SelectedUnitValue * 3.281).toFixed(2); //Gets the converted unit result
              break; //Stop
            case 'kg': //Get the actual selected unit type
            case 'kilograms': //Get the actual selected unit type
            case 'kilogram': //Get the actual selected unit type
              NewUnit = 'lb'; //"Convert" the current unit to another unit
              ConvertedUnit = parseFloat(SelectedUnitValue * 2.205).toFixed(2); //Gets the converted unit result
              break; //Stop
            case 'pound': //Get the actual selected unit type
            case 'pounds': //Get the actual selected unit type
            case 'lb': //Get the actual selected unit type
            case 'lbs': //Get the actual selected unit type
              NewUnit = 'kg'; //"Convert" the current unit to another unit
              ConvertedUnit = parseFloat(SelectedUnitValue / 2.205).toFixed(2); //Gets the converted unit result
              break; //Stop
            case 'ounce': //Get the actual selected unit type
            case 'ounces': //Get the actual selected unit type
            case 'oz': //Get the actual selected unit type
            case 'ozs': //Get the actual selected unit type
              NewUnit = 'g'; //"Convert" the current unit to another unit
              ConvertedUnit = parseFloat(SelectedUnitValue * 28.35).toFixed(2); //Gets the converted unit result
              break; //Stop
            case 'g': //Get the actual selected unit type
            case 'gram': //Get the actual selected unit type
            case 'grams': //Get the actual selected unit type
              NewUnit = 'oz'; //"Convert" the current unit to another unit
              ConvertedUnit = parseFloat(SelectedUnitValue / 28.35).toFixed(2); //Gets the converted unit result
              break; //Stop
            case 'kilometer': //Get the actual selected unit type
            case 'kilometers': //Get the actual selected unit type
              NewUnit = 'mi'; //"Convert" the current unit to another unit
              ConvertedUnit = parseFloat(SelectedUnitValue / 1.609).toFixed(2); //Gets the converted unit result
              break; //Stop
            case 'kph': //Get the actual selected unit type
            case 'kphs': //Get the actual selected unit type
            case 'km/h': //Get the actual selected unit type
            case 'km/hs': //Get the actual selected unit type
            case 'kilometers per hour': //Get the actual selected unit type
            case 'kilometers per hours': //Get the actual selected unit type
              NewUnit = 'mph'; //"Convert" the current unit to another unit
              ConvertedUnit = parseFloat(SelectedUnitValue * 1000).toFixed(2); //Gets the converted unit result
              break; //Stop
            case 'mph': //Get the actual selected unit type
            case 'mphs': //Get the actual selected unit type
            case 'meters per hour': //Get the actual selected unit type
            case 'meters per hours': //Get the actual selected unit type
              NewUnit = 'km/h'; //"Convert" the current unit to another unit
              ConvertedUnit = parseFloat(SelectedUnitValue / 1.000).toFixed(2); //Gets the converted unit result
              break; //Stop
            case 'mi': //Get the actual selected unit type
            case 'mile': //Get the actual selected unit type
            case 'miles': //Get the actual selected unit type
              NewUnit = 'km'; //"Convert" the current unit to another unit
              ConvertedUnit = parseFloat(SelectedUnitValue * 1.609).toFixed(2); //Gets the converted unit result
              break; //Stop
            case '°c': //Get the actual selected unit type
              NewUnit = '°F'; //"Convert" the current unit to another unit
              ConvertedUnit = parseFloat((SelectedUnitValue * 9 / 5) + 32).toFixed(2); //Gets the converted unit result
              break; //Stop
            case '°f': //Get the actual selected unit type
              NewUnit = '°C'; //"Convert" the current unit to another unit
              ConvertedUnit = parseFloat((SelectedUnitValue - 32) * 5 / 9).toFixed(2); //Gets the converted unit result
              break; //Stop
            case 'ºc': //Get the actual selected unit type
              NewUnit = 'ºF'; //"Convert" the current unit to another unit
              ConvertedUnit = parseFloat((SelectedUnitValue * 9 / 5) + 32).toFixed(2); //Gets the converted unit result
              break; //Stop
            case 'ºf': //Get the actual selected unit type
              NewUnit = 'ºC'; //"Convert" the current unit to another unit
              ConvertedUnit = parseFloat((SelectedUnitValue - 32) * 5 / 9).toFixed(2); //Gets the converted unit result
              break; //Stop
            case 'ml': //Get the actual selected unit type
            case 'milliliter': //Get the actual selected unit type
            case 'milliliters': //Get the actual selected unit type
              NewUnit = 'fl oz (US)'; //"Convert" the current unit to another unit
              ConvertedUnit = parseFloat(SelectedUnitValue / 29.574).toFixed(2); //Gets the converted unit result
              break; //Stop
            case 'fl oz (US)': //Get the actual selected unit type
            case 'fl oz': //Get the actual selected unit type
            case 'fl': //Get the actual selected unit type
            case 'fluid ounce': //Get the actual selected unit type
            case 'fluid ounces': //Get the actual selected unit type
              NewUnit = 'ml'; //"Convert" the current unit to another unit
              ConvertedUnit = parseFloat(SelectedUnitValue * 29.574).toFixed(2); //Gets the converted unit result
              break; //Stop
            case 'l': //Get the actual selected unit type
            case 'litre': //Get the actual selected unit type
            case 'liter': //Get the actual selected unit type
            case 'litres': //Get the actual selected unit type
            case 'liters': //Get the actual selected unit type
              NewUnit = 'gal (US)'; //"Convert" the current unit to another unit
              ConvertedUnit = parseFloat(SelectedUnitValue / 3.785).toFixed(2); //Gets the converted unit result
              break; //Stop
            case 'gal': //Get the actual selected unit type
            case 'gallon': //Get the actual selected unit type
            case 'gallons': //Get the actual selected unit type
              NewUnit = 'lt'; //"Convert" the current unit to another unit
              ConvertedUnit = parseFloat(SelectedUnitValue * 3.785).toFixed(2); //Gets the converted unit result
              break; //Stop
            case 'yard': //Get the actual selected unit type
            case 'yards': //Get the actual selected unit type
            case 'yd': //Get the actual selected unit type
              NewUnit = 'm'; //"Convert" the current unit to another unit
              ConvertedUnit = parseFloat(SelectedUnitValue / 1.094).toFixed(2); //Gets the converted unit result
              break; //Stop
            case 'mm': //Get the actual selected unit type
            case 'millimetre': //Get the actual selected unit type
            case 'Millimeters': //Get the actual selected unit type
              NewUnit = 'in'; //"Convert" the current unit to another unit
              ConvertedUnit = parseFloat(SelectedUnitValue / 25.4).toFixed(2); //Gets the converted unit result
              break; //Stop
            case 'ft': //Get the actual selected unit type
            case 'feet': //Get the actual selected unit type
            case 'feets': //Get the actual selected unit type
              NewUnit = 'mt'; //"Convert" the current unit to another unit
              ConvertedUnit = parseFloat(SelectedUnitValue * 0.3048).toFixed(2); //Gets the converted unit result
              break; //Stop
            case 'kw': //Get the actual selected unit type
            case 'kws': //Get the actual selected unit type
            case 'kilowatt': //Get the actual selected unit type
            case 'kilowatts': //Get the actual selected unit type
              NewUnit = 'mhp'; //"Convert" the current unit to another unit
              ConvertedUnit = parseFloat(SelectedUnitValue * 1.341).toFixed(2); //Gets the converted unit result
              break; //Stop
            case 'mhp': //Get the actual selected unit type
            case 'mhps': //Get the actual selected unit type
            case 'hp': //Get the actual selected unit type
            case 'hps': //Get the actual selected unit type
            case 'brake horsepower': //Get the actual selected unit type
            case 'mechanical horsepower': //Get the actual selected unit type
              NewUnit = 'kw'; //"Convert" the current unit to another unit
              ConvertedUnit = parseFloat(SelectedUnitValue / 1.341).toFixed(2); //Gets the converted unit result
              break; //Stop
            case 'mpg': //Get the actual selected unit type
            case 'mpgs': //Get the actual selected unit type
            case 'miles per gallon': //Get the actual selected unit type
            case 'miles per gallons': //Get the actual selected unit type
              NewUnit = 'l/100km'; //"Convert" the current unit to another unit
              ConvertedUnit = parseFloat(235.215 / SelectedUnitValue).toFixed(2); //Gets the converted unit result
              break; //Stop
            case 'l/100km': //Get the actual selected unit type
            case 'liters per 100 kilometer': //Get the actual selected unit type
            case 'liters per 100 kilometers': //Get the actual selected unit type
              NewUnit = 'US mpg'; //"Convert" the current unit to another unit
              ConvertedUnit = parseFloat(235.215 / SelectedUnitValue).toFixed(2); //Gets the converted unit result
              break; //Stop
            case 'lq': //Get the actual selected unit type
            case 'lqs': //Get the actual selected unit type
            case 'liquid quart': //Get the actual selected unit type
            case 'liquid quarts': //Get the actual selected unit type
              NewUnit = 'l'; //"Convert" the current unit to another unit
              ConvertedUnit = parseFloat(SelectedUnitValue / 1.057).toFixed(2); //Gets the converted unit result
              break; //Stop
            case 'liter': //Get the actual selected unit type
            case 'liters': //Get the actual selected unit type
              NewUnit = 'lqs'; //"Convert" the current unit to another unit
              ConvertedUnit = parseFloat(SelectedUnitValue * 1.057).toFixed(2); //Gets the converted unit result
              break; //Stop
            case 'foot-pound': //Get the actual selected unit type
            case 'foot-pounds': //Get the actual selected unit type
            case 'foot pound': //Get the actual selected unit type
            case 'foot pounds': //Get the actual selected unit type
            case 'ft-lbs': //Get the actual selected unit type
            case 'ft-lb': //Get the actual selected unit type
            case 'ft lbs': //Get the actual selected unit type
            case 'ft lb': //Get the actual selected unit type
            case 'lb ft': //Get the actual selected unit type
            case 'lb fts': //Get the actual selected unit type
              NewUnit = 'Nm'; //"Convert" the current unit to another unit
              ConvertedUnit = parseFloat(SelectedUnitValue * 1.3558179483).toFixed(2); //Gets the converted unit result
              break; //Stop
            case 'newton-meter': //Get the actual selected unit type
            case 'newton-meters': //Get the actual selected unit type
            case 'newton meter': //Get the actual selected unit type
            case 'newton meters': //Get the actual selected unit type
            case 'nm': //Get the actual selected unit type
              NewUnit = 'ft lb'; //"Convert" the current unit to another unit
              ConvertedUnit = parseFloat(SelectedUnitValue / 1.3558179483).toFixed(2); //Gets the converted unit result
              break; //Stop
            case (SelectedText.match(Units)[2].replaceAll(',', '.').match(/\^/)).input: //Get the actual selected unit type
              NewUnit = 'power'; //"Convert" the current unit to another unit
              ConvertedUnit = Math.pow(parseFloat(SelectedUnitValue), parseFloat(SelectedText.split('^')[1])); //Gets the converted unit result
              break; //Stop
          } //Finishes the switch condition

          setTimeout(function() { //Starts the settimeout function
            document.querySelector("#highlight_menu_div").shadowRoot.querySelector("#ShowCurrencyORUnits").innerText = ConvertedUnit + ' ' + NewUnit + ' | '; //Display the converted unit results

            var text = document.querySelector("#highlight_menu_div").shadowRoot.querySelector("#ShowCurrencyORUnits").innerText; //Save the actual converted unit value

            document.querySelector("#highlight_menu_div").shadowRoot.querySelector("#ShowCurrencyORUnits").onmousemove = function() { //When the mouse is hovering the converted unit value
              document.querySelector("#highlight_menu_div").shadowRoot.querySelector("#ShowCurrencyORUnits").innerText = "Copy | "; //Change the element text to copy
            }; //Finishes the onmousemove event listener

            document.querySelector("#highlight_menu_div").shadowRoot.querySelector("#ShowCurrencyORUnits").onmouseout = function() { //When the mouse leaves the button
              document.querySelector("#highlight_menu_div").shadowRoot.querySelector("#ShowCurrencyORUnits").innerText = text; //Return the previous text
            }; //Finishes the onmouseout event listener

            document.querySelector("#highlight_menu_div").shadowRoot.querySelector("#ShowCurrencyORUnits").onclick = function() { //When the user clicks on the converted unit value
              document.querySelector("#highlight_menu_div").shadowRoot.querySelector("#ShowCurrencyORUnits").innerText = "Done | "; //Change the element text to copy
              navigator.clipboard.writeText(ConvertedUnit); //Copy the Final converted unit value
            }; //Finishes the onclick event listener
          }, 0); //Finishes the set timeout
        } //Finishes the if condition
      } //Finishes the if condition
      if (document.querySelector("#highlight_menu_div").shadowRoot.querySelector("#SearchBTN").innerText === 'Open') //If the Search button text is 'Open'
      { //Starts the if condition
        document.querySelector("#highlight_menu_div").shadowRoot.querySelector("#highlight_menu > ul").style.paddingLeft = '7px'; //Change the ul menu element padding-left CSS style
        document.querySelector("#highlight_menu_div").shadowRoot.querySelector("#SearchBTN").innerText = 'Search'; //The next time that the menu is shown display the button text as Search again
        SelectedTextIsLink = false; //Add the value false to the variable to make common words searchable again
      } //Finishes the if condition

      if (SelectedText.match(Links) !== null) //If the selected text is a link
      { //Starts the if condition
        SelectedTextIsLink = true; //Add the value true to the variable
        document.querySelector("#highlight_menu_div").shadowRoot.querySelector("#highlight_menu > ul").style.paddingLeft = '7px'; //Change the ul menu element padding-left CSS style
        document.querySelector("#highlight_menu_div").shadowRoot.querySelector("#SearchBTN").innerText = 'Open'; //Change the button text to Open
      } //Finishes the if condition
      if (document.getSelection().toString().trim() !== '') { //If the user selected something
        var p = document.getSelection().getRangeAt(0).getBoundingClientRect(); //Create a new variable to get the positions later
        menu.css({ //Set the menu CSS
          left: (p.left + (p.width / 2)) - (menu.width() / 2), //Make the menu show on the correct left position
          top: (p.top - menu.height() - 10), //Make the menu show on the correct top position
          display: '' //Show the menu on the page
        }).animate({ //Creates the animation
          opacity: 1 //Set the animation opacity
        }, 0); //Add an animation to the menu

        menu.addClass('highlight_menu_animate'); //Add the class to animate the menu
        //$('head').append('<style>.highlight_menu_animate .popuptext::after { content: ""; top: 100%; left: 50%; margin-left: -10px; position: absolute; border-style: solid; border-color: #292929 transparent transparent transparent; }</style>'); //Create a class to animate the menu
        return; //Keep displaying the menu box
      } //Finishes the if condition
      menu.animate({ //Creates the animation
        opacity: 0 //Set the animation opacity
      }); //Hide the menu If the user clicks on any of the options

      setTimeout(function() { //Hide the menu after some time
        menu.css({ //Set the menu CSS
          display: 'none' //Hide the menu on the page
        }); //Hide the menu If the user clicks on any of the options
      }, 300); //Finishes the setTimeout function

    }); //Finishes the mouse up event listener
  }); //Finishes the function
  var HtmlMenu = document.createElement('div'); //Creates a variable
  HtmlMenu.setAttribute("id", "highlight_menu_div"); //Set the div id to the HtmlMenu variable

    mode: 'open'
  }).innerHTML = '<style>.highlight_menu_animate .popuptext::after { content: ""; top: 100%; left: 50%; margin-left: -10px; border-top-width: 10px; border-right-width: 10px; border-left-width: 10px; position: absolute; border-style: solid; border-color: #292929 transparent transparent transparent; }</style><div id="highlight_menu" style="display:none; color: #fff; position: fixed; background-color: #292929; font-size: 13.4px; font-family: monospace; z-index: 9999;"> <ul style="margin-block-end: 10px; padding-left: 7px; padding-right: 7px; margin-top:10px;"><li class="popuptext" id="ShowCurrencyORUnits" style="cursor: pointer; display: inline;">' + FinalCurrency + '</li><li class="popuptext" id="SearchBTN" style="cursor: pointer; display: inline;">Search</li><li class="popuptext" id="CopyBTN" style="cursor: pointer; display: inline;"> | Copy</li></ul></div>'; //Set the HtmlMenu div html

  if (document.body.textContent !== '' || document.body.innerText !== '') //If the body has any text
  { //Starts the if condition
    document.body.appendChild(HtmlMenu); //Append the HtmlMenu div to the page
  } //Finishes the if condition

  document.querySelector("#highlight_menu_div").shadowRoot.querySelector("#SearchBTN").onmousedown = function() { //When the user clicks on the Search button
    var LinkfyOrSearch = 'https://www.google.com/search?q='; //Creates a variable to open google
    if (SelectedTextIsLink === true) //If the selected text is a link
    { //Starts the if condition
      LinkfyOrSearch = 'https://'; //Make the non-http and non-https links able to be opened
    } //Finishes the if condition
    if (SelectedText.match(/http:|https:/) !== null) //If the selected text is a link that already has http or https
    { //Starts the if condition
      LinkfyOrSearch = ''; //Remove the https:// that was previously added to this variable
    } //Finishes the if condition

    open(LinkfyOrSearch + SelectedTextSearch); //Open google and search for the selected word(s)
    getSelection().removeAllRanges(); //UnSelect the selected text after the search button is clicked so that if the user clicks on the past selected text the menu won't show up again.
    document.querySelector("#highlight_menu_div").shadowRoot.querySelector("#highlight_menu").style.display = 'none'; //Hide the menu
  }; //Finishes the onmousedown event listener

  document.querySelector("#highlight_menu_div").shadowRoot.querySelector("#CopyBTN").onmousedown = function() { //When the user clicks on the copy button
    navigator.clipboard.writeText(SelectedText); //Copy the selected word(s)
    document.querySelector("#highlight_menu_div").shadowRoot.querySelector("#CopyBTN").innerText = ' | Done'; //Change the button text to Done
    setTimeout(function() { //Starts the setTimeout function
      document.querySelector("#highlight_menu_div").shadowRoot.querySelector("#CopyBTN").innerText = ' | Copy'; //The next time that the menu is shown display the button text as Copy again, instead of Done
    }, 400); //Finishes the setTimeout function
  }; //Finishes the onmousedown event listener
  setTimeout(function() { //Starts the setTimeout function
    var AllIframes = document.querySelectorAll("iframe"); //Get all iframes on the page
    for (var i = AllIframes.length; i--;) { //Starts the for condition
      if (AllIframes[i].allow.match('clipboard-write;') === null && AllIframes[i].src.match(Links) !== null && AllIframes[i].src.match(/recaptcha|challenges.cloudflare|youtube|dailymotion|vimeo|streamtape|mcloud|vidstream|mp4upload|googlevideo|kaltura|crunchyroll|animesup|google.com\/recaptcha\/|blank.html|mateus7g|\.mp4/) === null && location.href.match(/animeshouse.net|nowanimes.com\/play/) === null) //If the iframe doesn't have the clipboard-write attribute yet and the iframed source attribute has a link. And if the iframe isn't a YT/Dailymotion or Vimeo video.
      { //Starts the if condition
        AllIframes[i].allow = AllIframes[i].allow + 'clipboard-write;'; //Add the permission to copy the iframe text
        AllIframes[i].src = AllIframes[i].src; //Reload the iframe to make the iframe have the new permission
      } //Finishes the if condition
    } //Finishes the for condition
  }, 4000); //Finishes the setTimeout function

  window.addEventListener('scroll', async function() { //When the page is scrolled
    document.querySelector("#highlight_menu_div").shadowRoot.querySelector("#highlight_menu").style.display = 'none'; //Hide the menu
    if (LeftClicked === false && SelectedText !== '') { //If the Left Click isn't being held, and if something is currently selected
      getSelection().removeAllRanges(); //UnSelect the selected text when scrolling the page down so that if the user clicks on the past selected text the menu won't show up again.
    } //Finishes the if condition
  }); //Finishes the on-scroll event listener
} //Finishes the if condition