DuckDuckGo Meaningless Things Remover

As we all know, there are things like "The search engine that doesn't track you" on DuckDuckGo, and I want to remove these things.

Bunlar bu scriptin güncellenmiş kod versiyonlarıdır. Bütün versiyonları göster.

  • v1.1.1.2 14.10.2018 Minor Update.
  • v1.1.1.2 14.10.2018 Minor Update.
  • v1.1.1.1 04.10.2018 Added support for & 1 New rule & Minor changes
  • v1.1.1 23.09.2018 Minor Update.
  • v1.1 23.09.2018 A Clearer DDG!
  • v1.0 01.09.2018