Hide name, image, and description of episodes
< Feedback on Spoiler-free Crunchyroll
Good idea, sure. I've just released version 0.5 here on Greasyfork that does just this. Let me know how it works for you.
Seems to be working just fine! Thanks!
Another suggestion would be to hide spoilers on the front page.
Example: https://i.imgur.com/0NnvWeL.png
Any chance you could also hide the episode name in the tab name?
Greetings! Just wondering if you could hide the name of the episode in the "tab name", for a lack of a better word. Basically just hover over "JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Episod" at the top of the screen and the full episode name will be shown.
Example images: Image 1: https://i.imgur.com/bIW2Rwk.png Image 2: https://i.imgur.com/QRvsZ5i.png
Not super urgent or anything, just a question. Could be neat to have if it was easy to add, you know?