Greasy Fork is available in English.

Amazon hide recommendations

Tries to hide recommendations on every page. Might block too much sometimes so if the site seems broken you might temporarily disable this script.

// ==UserScript==
// @name        Amazon hide recommendations
// @description Tries to hide recommendations on every page. Might block too much sometimes so if the site seems broken you might temporarily disable this script.
// @namespace
// @include*
// @version     1
// @grant       GM_addStyle
// ==/UserScript==

//second rule neded because it sometimes does not work without it WTF
"#bia_content, #bia-hcb-widget, #nav-flyout-yourAccount .nav-flyout-sidePanel, #desktop-1, #desktop-2, #sc-rec-bottom, #sc-rec-right, #rhf, #desktop-typ-recs-1Shvl, div[data-widgetname^=desktop-typ-recs-]:\
{display:none !important;}\
#bia_content, #bia-hcb-widget,  #nav-flyout-yourAccount .nav-flyout-sidePanel, #desktop-1, #desktop-2, #sc-rec-bottom, #sc-rec-right,  #rhf, #desktop-typ-recs-1Shvl, div[data-widgetname^=desktop-typ-recs-] {color:red;display:none !important;}\