linkedIn learning video download

Allows to download learning videos you see on LinkedIn. Must be logged in.

< Feedback on linkedIn learning video download


Gönderildi: 30.10.2017


Stopped working today.
Please update ASAP.
Thanks :-)

Gönderildi: 31.12.2017

Thanks for the report and sorry for late replay. I've fixed it now.

Gönderildi: 30.01.2018

Stopped working today.
Please update
Thanks :-)

Gönderildi: 30.01.2018

Thanks for reporting. Fixed broken node path.

Gönderildi: 30.01.2018

you are my heroe

Gönderildi: 16.03.2018

Stopped working today.
Please update
Thanks :-)

Gönderildi: 18.03.2018

yes it is less convenient because the download is not direct. It opens now an additional tab
As corse "Please update"

Gönderildi: 22.03.2018

Unfortunately I can't test it thoroughly since I don't have learning subscription anymore (and I've used up my Free Month). I fixed some possibly problems, it seems to be working on at least preview videos.

Gönderildi: 23.03.2018

I understand that to test your scripts it will be difficult without a registration at linkedin. thank you for your work.The script (v7) did as before it opens a new tab but does not download directly (firefox, chrome)

Gönderildi: 09.05.2018

Stopped working . Please update Thanks :-)

Gönderildi: 16.05.2018

Please fix

Gönderildi: 16.05.2018

I updated the script. Let me know if it started working again.

Gönderildi: 19.06.2021

My script can fulfil the requirment for download videos as well as subtitles, even in batch mode. Please try my basic script first:

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