Tartışmalar » Greasy Fork Geri Bildirimi

I can't post my script that I made with my friend

Gönderildi: 16.10.2023
Düzenlendi: 16.10.2023

My friend just added a message pack for a hack in moomoo.io in tampermonkey style and it says:

"There were some problems with what you posted…

Code uses an unapproved external script: @require https://rawgit.com/kawanet/msgpack-lite/master/dist/msgpack.min.js

This appears to be a copy of https://greasyfork.org/en/scripts/391945-moomoo-io-new-hack-bugs-fixed"

Any fix?

Gönderildi: 16.10.2023
Düzenlendi: 16.10.2023

1. Don't use unapproved external scripts
2a. Don't repost scripts
2b. Don't lie about it

I'm not reposting a script, I made it myself with my friend

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