Last.fm - Opera: Highlight Same Artists - July 2010 JS - Highlights artists that you listen to on other users' profiles.
Last.fm - Polish the profile JS - Display percentage of plays and statistics on user profile
Last.fm - Get last reply date - July 2008 JS - Gets the date of the last post to group forum. For the Opera browser. By snyde1
Last.fm - Who has posted here JS - Display usernames that posted in a thread.
Last.fm - Opera: Sort by time JS - Sort overall top artists by time played.
Last.fm - How old is your music JS - Allows user to find their album dates from Last.fm - tribute to pumpkinlll's "How old is your music" service
Last.fm - Artist average plays JS - Determines the average plays per listener. Suggested by meninc
Last.fm - Get TOM JS - Display taste-o-meter ratings for user lists