// ==UserScript==
// @name InfoPerk
// @namespace perk
// @autor Sweag
// @description Perk table -> homepage
// @include https://www.heroeswm.ru/home.php*
// @include https://www.lordswm.com/home.php*
// @include*
// @homepage https://greasyfork.org/en/scripts/378276-infoperk
// @version 1.7.2
// @grant GM_getValue
// @grant GM_setValue
// ==/UserScript==
// fix by CheckT: include, мелкие правки, рефакторинг, настройки
// old homepage https://greasyfork.org/ru/scripts/25129-infoperk
var url_cur = location.href;
var url = location.protocol+'//'+location.hostname+'/';
var gm_prefix = 'hwmip_';
var isLords = (location.hostname == 'www.lordswm.com');
var td_place_right;
var td_place_center;
var _perk_;
var _kukla_;
return; //only functions below
function init(){
var td_place_right = find_place_right();
var td_place_center = find_place_center();
if(!td_place_right || !td_place_center){
console.log('InfoPerk: place for kukla and perks not found');
return false;
td_place_center.innerHTML +=
'<br/><br/> » <span title="Настройки отображения перков и куклы" style="cursor:pointer;text-decoration: underline;" id="'+gm_prefix+'set">Позиция куклы</span><br/>'
+ '<div '+html_add_id('div_center')+'></div>';
td_place_right.innerHTML +=
'<div '+html_add_id('div_right')+'></div>';
addClickEvent_GM('set', setting_show);
addEvent(getClickDiv(), "click", get_table);
return true;
function show_hide_arts(){
var hide_arts = gm_get_bool('hide_arts');
var img = document.querySelector('img[src*="attr_fortune.png"]');
var table_stats = img.parentNode.parentNode.parentNode.parentNode.parentNode.parentNode.parentNode.parentNode; //table of stats
var arts_strip = table_stats.nextSibling;
arts_strip.style.display = hide_arts ? 'none' : '';
function find_place_center(){
var mana = (isLords?'Mana:':'Мана:');
var b = document.getElementsByTagName('B');
for(var i=0; i<b.length; i++){
if(b[i].innerHTML == mana)
return b[i].parentNode;
return null;
function find_place_right(){
var last_battle = (isLords?'Last combat':'Последний бой');
var b = document.getElementsByTagName('B');
for(var i=0; i<b.length; i++){
if(b[i].innerHTML == last_battle)
return b[i].parentNode.parentNode;
return null;
function show_tables(){
show_table('kukla', '1', _kukla_);
show_table('perks', '2', _perk_);
if(document.getElementById('click_div_arts_hard')) //link to "HWM arts hard" script
function remove_loupe(){
var x = document.querySelector("img[src*='zoom.gif']");
if (x != null) {
var loupe = x.parentNode;
function show_table(name, def, table){
switch(gm_get(name, def)){
case '1':
$$GM('div_center').innerHTML += table;
case '2':
$$GM('div_right').innerHTML += table;
function get_table() {
var href = url+'pl_info.php?id='+getPlayerId();
var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
xhr.open("GET", href, true);
xhr.overrideMimeType('text/html; charset=windows-1251');
xhr.onreadystatechange = function() { process_xhr(xhr); }
function process_xhr(xhr){
if (xhr.readyState != 4)
if (xhr.status == 200) {
_perk_ = "<";
_kukla_ = "<";
var text = xhr.responseText.split('table');
for(var i=1; i<text.length; i++){
if(text[i].indexOf('showperkinfo.php') > -1){
_perk_ += "table" + text[i-1] + "table" + text[i];
if(text[i].indexOf('kukla') > -1){
_kukla_ += "table" + text[i-1] + "table" + text[i];
_perk_ += "table>";
_kukla_ += "table></table>";
function setting_show(){
var bg = $$GM('overlay');
var bgc = $$GM('center');
var bg_height = ScrollHeight();
var width = 300;
if ( !bg ){
bg = document.createElement('div');
document.body.appendChild( bg );
bgc = document.createElement('div');
document.body.appendChild( bgc );
bg.id = gm_prefix+'overlay';
bg.style.position = 'absolute';
bg.style.left = '0px';
bg.style.width = '100%';
bg.style.background = "#000000";
bg.style.opacity = "0.5";
bg.style.zIndex = "7";
bgc.id = gm_prefix+'center';
bgc.style.position = 'absolute';
bgc.style.width = width+'px';
bgc.style.background = "#F6F3EA";
bgc.style.zIndex = "8";
bgc.style.left = ( ( ClientWidth() - width ) / 2 ) + 'px';
addEvent(bg, "click", setting_hide);
var show_kukla = gm_get('kukla', '1');
var show_perks = gm_get('perks', '2');
bgc.innerHTML =
'<div style="border:1px solid #abc;padding:5px;margin:2px;">'
+ '<div style="float:right;border:1px solid #abc;width:15px;height:15px;text-align:center;cursor:pointer;" id="'+gm_prefix+'s_close" title="Close">x</div>'
+ '<table width=100% height=100%>'
+ '<tr><td>'
+ 'Скрывать полоску над армией: '+html_add_checkbox('hide_arts', gm_get_bool('hide_arts'))
+ '</td></tr>'
+ '<tr><td align="center">Кукла персонажа</td></tr>'
+ '<tr><td align="center">'
+ 'Слева:'+html_add_radio('kukla', '1', show_kukla)
+ ' Справа:'+html_add_radio('kukla', '2', show_kukla)
+ ' Скрыта:'+html_add_radio('kukla', '0', show_kukla)
+ '</td></tr>'
+ '<tr><td align="center">Перки персонажа</td></tr>'
+ '<tr><td align="center">'
+ 'Слева:'+html_add_radio('perks', '1', show_perks)
+ ' Справа:'+html_add_radio('perks', '2', show_perks)
+ ' Скрыты:'+html_add_radio('perks', '0', show_perks)
+ '</td></tr>'
+ '<tr><td style="text-align:center">'
+ '<input type="button" id="'+gm_prefix+'s_close2" value="Close" title="Закрыть окно"/>'
+ '</td></tr></table></div>';
addClickEvent_GM("s_close", setting_hide);
addClickEvent_GM("s_close2", setting_hide);
addClickEvent_GM("kukla0", set_type);
addClickEvent_GM("kukla1", set_type);
addClickEvent_GM("kukla2", set_type);
addClickEvent_GM("perks0", set_type);
addClickEvent_GM("perks1", set_type);
addClickEvent_GM("perks2", set_type);
addClickEvent_GM("hide_arts", set_hide_arts);
bg.style.top = '0px';
bg.style.height = bg_height + 'px';
bgc.style.top = ( window.pageYOffset + 150 ) + 'px';
bg.style.display = '';
bgc.style.display = '';
function setting_hide(){
var bg = $$GM('overlay');
var bgc = $$GM('center');
function set_hide_arts(){
var hide_arts = getBoolField_GM("hide_arts");
gm_set_bool("hide_arts", hide_arts);
function set_type(e) {
if (e.target.checked) {
var checked_radio_id = e.target.getAttribute('id');
var checked_radio_name = e.target.getAttribute('name');
//<input type="radio" id="hwmip_kukla1" name="hwmip_kukla" value="1" checked="on">
if(checked_radio_id && checked_radio_name){
var value = checked_radio_id.substring(checked_radio_name.length);
GM_setValue(checked_radio_name, value);
function getBoolField_GM(key, def){
var val = $$GM(key);
return val ? val.checked : def;
function html_add_checkbox(id, value, title){
return '<input type="checkbox"'+html_add_id(id)
+(title ? '" title="'+title+'"' : '')
function html_add_id(id){
return ' id="'+gm_prefix+id+'"';
function html_if_checked(val){
return val ? ' checked' : '';
function html_add_radio(name, value, currvalue){
return '<input type="radio"'+html_add_id(name+value)
+' name="'+gm_prefix+html_null_to_empty(name)+'"'
+' value="'+html_null_to_empty(value)+'"'
+(currvalue==value?' checked="on"':'')+'/>';
function html_null_to_empty(val){
return (val || val===false) ? val : '';
function getClickDiv(){
var click_div = document.querySelector("#click_div_infoperk");
if(!click_div) {
click_div = document.createElement('div');
click_div.id = "click_div_infoperk";
click_div.style.display = "none";
return click_div;
function getPlayerId(){
var hunter_ref = getI("//a[contains(@href, 'pl_hunter_stat')]");
//min 2 для home; min 1 для остальных - если включены выпадающие вкладки
//min 1 для home; min 0 для остальных - если отключены выпадающие вкладки
if ( !hunter_ref || hunter_ref.snapshotLength == 0 || (hunter_ref.snapshotLength == 1 && location.pathname == '/home.php') ) {
//отключены вкладки или разлогин
} else {
return hunter_ref.snapshotItem(0).href.split('?id=')[1];
function addClickEvent_GM(id, func){
addEvent($$GM(id), "click", func);
function addEvent(elem, evType, fn) {
if(elem && fn){
if (elem.addEventListener)
elem.addEventListener(evType, fn, false);
else if (elem.attachEvent)
elem.attachEvent("on" + evType, fn);
elem["on" + evType] = fn;
function getI(xpath,elem){return document.evaluate(xpath,(elem?elem:document),null,XPathResult.ORDERED_NODE_SNAPSHOT_TYPE,null);}
function $$(id) { return document.getElementById(id); }
function $$GM(id) { return $$(gm_prefix+id); }
function gm_get(key, def){
return GM_getValue(gm_prefix+key, def);
function gm_set(key, val){
return GM_setValue(gm_prefix+key, val);
// 1 -> true; otherwise false
function GM_load_bool_from_num(key, def){
var val = Number(GM_getValue(key, def));
return isNaN(val) ? false : val==1;
function GM_load_bool(key, def){
var val = GM_getValue(key, def);
return val && (val===true || val == 'true');
// true -> 1; otherwise 0
function GM_save_num_from_bool(key, val){
GM_setValue(key, val ? 1 : 0);
function gm_set_bool(key, val){
return GM_save_num_from_bool(gm_prefix+key, val);
function gm_get_bool(key, def){
return GM_load_bool_from_num(gm_prefix+key , def?1:0);
function initGm(){
if (!this.GM_getValue || (this.GM_getValue.toString && this.GM_getValue.toString().indexOf("not supported")>-1)) {
this.GM_getValue=function (key,def) {
return localStorage[key] || def;
this.GM_setValue=function (key,value) {
return localStorage[key]=value;
this.GM_deleteValue=function (key) {
return delete localStorage[key];
if (!this.GM_listValues || (this.GM_listValues.toString && this.GM_listValues.toString().indexOf("not supported")>-1)) {
this.GM_listValues=function () {
var keys=[];
for (var key in localStorage){
return keys;
function ClientWidth(){
return document.compatMode=='CSS1Compat' && document.documentElement?document.documentElement.clientWidth:document.body.clientWidth;
function ScrollHeight(){
return Math.max(document.documentElement.scrollHeight,document.body.scrollHeight);