The script adds a convenient button to the Google search image preview panel, allowing you to open the full-size image in a new tab by a direct link. Sometimes the full-size image is not available and there is only a thumbnail within easy reach. In this case, the button will not appear, but the script has a toggle to switch modes: if "ignore thumbnails" is false, then the button will always be shown, unless the script is broken
The script uses icon from icons8.com
Step 1. You need a browser that supports extensions and a scripts manager
To use scripts, first you need to install a scripts manager. My advice is Tampermonkey, since I use it too.
Tampermonkey install links for different browsers, choose yours:
Chrome / Vivaldi Opera Firefox Safari Microsoft Edge
If your browser is missing here, you can PM me on this website, and I will try to help you.
Step 2. Come back here
Refresh the page and press the green Install button that right above this description. A new tab from your scripts manager would open. Press the Install button there too
Step 3. Check if it works
If it doesn't work, post a discussion here about it to get it fixed