YouTube Ads Skip

11/12/2023, 5:16:22 AM

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"YouTube Ads Skip" is a userscript designed to enhance the user experience on YouTube by automatically skipping ads. It's particularly useful for users who frequently watch videos on YouTube and prefer a seamless viewing experience without interruptions from ads.


  • Ad Skipping: The script automatically jumps ads video progress and clicks the 'Skip Ad' button when it becomes available on YouTube videos.
  • Popup Handling: Deals with YouTube Premium popups by automatically closing them if they appear.
  • Compatibility: The script is made to be compatible with most YouTube video formats and layouts.

Working Principle

The script operates by monitoring video playback on YouTube. When an ad begins, it jumps ads video progress and identifies the 'Skip Ad' button and triggers a click event to skip the ad as soon as it's possible. Additionally, it detects and closes YouTube Premium promotion popups.

Installation and Usage

  1. Prerequisites: Requires a userscript manager like Tampermonkey or Violentmonkey installed in your web browser.
  2. Installation: Install the script from its Greasy Fork page.
  3. Usage: Once installed, the script runs automatically on YouTube pages, skipping ads and handling popups.

Comparison with Similar Scripts

Unlike some other ad-skipping scripts, "YouTube Ads Skip" focuses on simplicity and reliability. It doesn't include additional features like video quality control or playlist management, which can be found in more complex scripts but also adds to the complexity and potential issues.


  • Users should be aware that the effectiveness of the script can vary based on YouTube's ongoing updates and changes to its ad presentation methods.
  • This script is designed for personal use and should be used responsibly. Respect YouTube's terms of service while using this script.