Revert to Gmails's Old 2012-2020 Favicon

Replaces New 2020 Google mail Favicon in Browser Tabs, Address Bar, Bookmarks

// ==UserScript==
// @name        Revert to Gmails's Old 2012-2020 Favicon
// @version     3.25
// @author      H. Brown
// @namespace
// @description Replaces New 2020 Google mail Favicon in Browser Tabs, Address Bar, Bookmarks
// @icon

// @include     http*://*

// @exclude     http*://*
// @exclude     http*://*
// @exclude     http*://*/drive*
// @exclude     http*://*
// @exclude     http*://*
// @exclude     http*://*
// @exclude     http*://*
// @grant       none
// @license     MIT
// ==/UserScript==

var head = document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0];
var icon = document.createElement('link');

icon.setAttribute('type', 'image/x-icon');
icon.setAttribute('rel', 'icon');
