Förbigå alla kortlänkar

Förbi alla korta länkar webbplatser hoppar automatiskt över irriterande länkförkortare, direkt till din destination

< Feedback on Förbigå alla kortlänkar

Review: OK - script works, but has bugs

Posted: 2023-11-21

https://link.revly.click/OWuutv39spa - if bypass is enabled, it redirects to bit.ly
https://adbitfly.com/short/NZjJ85zz - the script starts to help only at the very last step.

Posted: 2023-11-24

https://try2link.com/OWjr6kjxb4s also doesn't work. If bypass is enabled, it loops to hightrip.net

Posted: 2023-11-24

Thanks for your feedback , Please update to the latest version , next time please don't use live link , remove https before post any feedback , its enough like this try2link.com/OWjr6kjxb4s

Posted: 2024-01-07

link.revly.click/OWmzdudifb9 - need an update again.
Also could you update for:

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