Greasy Fork is available in English.

MyAnimeList Hide Manga Store

Hides the Manga Store Ads on MyAnimeList.

Där är alla versioner av detta skript Visa endast de skript där koden är ändrad

  • v0.8 2020-08-20 make matching for forum more conservative
  • v0.7 2020-07-11 bug: update forum page div hiding mechanism
  • v0.6 2020-06-11 fix forum to actually match forum, make sure were on anime/manga before blindly hiding the parent class, breaks suppot pages
  • v0.5 2019-09-02
  • v0.5 2019-09-02 update to block banner ads
  • v0.4 2019-04-21
  • v0.4 2019-04-21 remove @grant none, add cases on forum pages
  • v0.3 2018-04-27 changed @includes to @match, to support more primitive userscript extensions
  • v0.2 2018-03-10 added button I didn't notice because of uBlock
  • v0.1 2018-03-09
  • v0.1 2018-03-09
  • v0.1 2018-03-09