WhatsApp online notifier

Notifies you when a user comes online. This script will only work if have a tab open and navigated to https://web.whatsapp.com/ and have selected a person. The next time this person comes online you should hear a bleeb. *Bleeb*!

< Feedback on WhatsApp online notifier


Posted: 2018-08-11
Edited: 2018-08-11

How to select a user

just curious how to select a user i dont see any button thanks for the script

Posted: 2018-08-25

probably it means- keep the chat with that person open , theres no new button . however m not getting any bleeps either lol

Posted: 2018-12-09

As Sikan said, you have to keep the chat with the person open.

Sikan, what browser do you use? It should still work. I use Firefox for testing.

Posted: 2020-12-12
Edited: 2020-12-12

sorry wrong thread.

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