AO3: Kudosed and seen history

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< Feedback on AO3: Kudosed and seen history


Posted: 03/02/2021

I really love your script and it's so useful. But I have encountered a little problem when using it together with another script. I use the script FanFictionNavigator, which changes the background of fics I mark. But the background colors don't work for fics I've kudosed/bookmarked because your script seems to interfere (I tested it, the colors work fine when I disable your script). Do you have a part in your script where it forces a background-color on marked scripts? And if so, can I disable it somehow? I'd really like to use both scripts simultaneously because both are useful for different purposes.

Posted: 15/03/2021

I've encountered the same problem. I've found that I can use them together if I turn off "highlight bookmarked" in the Kudosed and Seen options - so you can still see that you've kudosed a work and also see the color from FFNav.

Posted: 20/03/2021

That's good to know. Thank you so much!

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