

This script should not be not be installed directly. It is a library for other scripts to include with the meta directive // @require https://update.greasyfork.org/scripts/421598/1044584/%E4%B8%8A%E4%B8%80%E9%A1%B5.js

// ==UserScript==
// @name         上一页
// @namespace    http://tampermonkey.net/
// @version      1.1
// @description  RT
// @author       Pidanmeng
// @match        *
// @include      *
// @grant        none
// ==/UserScript==

var lab;
var hos = window.location.host;
var url = window.location.href;
var flag=0;

function previouspage() {
    var checked = false;
    var delay = false;
    var next = {};
    var previous = {};
    // 下一页链接里的文字
    next.texts      = [ 'next',
                        'next page',
    // 上一页链接里的文字
    previous.texts  = [ 'previous',
                        'previous page',
    // 可能会误判的关键词
    next.miswords   = { "下一章": 30,
                        "下一篇": 30,
                        "后一章": 30,
                        "后一篇": 30,
                        "下一节": 30,
                        ">>": 2000,
                        "»": 2000
    previous.miswords = { "上一章": 30,
                          "上一篇": 30,
                          "前一章": 30,
                          "前一篇": 30,
                          "上一节": 30,
                          "<<": 2000,
                          "«": 2000

    // 最后添加一些论坛使用的翻页符号

    // 翻页文字的前面和后面可能包含的字符(正则表达式)
    var preRegexp  = '(^\\s*(?:[<‹«]*|[>›»]*|[\\(\\[『「[【]?)\\s*)';
    var nextRegexp = '(\\s*(?:[>›»]*|[\\)\\]』」]】]?)\\s*$)';

    function checkLinks() {
      var link, text, ldnc, lnc, ldpc, lpc, num, digCurFound, linkNumber, found, tmpNode;
      var regexp = new RegExp();
      // 查找相应的链接
      var links = document.getElementsByTagName('A');
      for (var i = 0; i < links.length; i++) {
        link = links[i];

        // 跳过不起作用的链接
        if (!link.offsetParent || link.offsetWidth == 0 || link.offsetHeight == 0 || !link.hasAttribute("href") && !link.hasAttribute("onclick"))
        // 跳过日历
        if (/(?:^|\s)(?:monthlink|weekday|day|day[\-_]\S+)(?:\s|$)/i.test(link.className))

        if (/^nextlink/i.test(link.id) || /^linknext/i.test(link.id) ||
            /(^|\s)nextlink/i.test(link.className) || /(^|\s)linknext/i.test(link.className))
          next.link = link;
        if (/^prev(ious)?link/i.test(link.id) || /^linkprev(ious)?/i.test(link.id) ||
            /(^|\s)prev(ious)?link/i.test(link.className) || /(^|\s)linkprev(ious)?/i.test(link.className))
          previous.link = link;

        text = link.textContent;
        if (!text) {
          // 若链接中没有文字,则检查图片的alt属性、链接或图片的title
          for (var img in link.childNodes) {
            if (img.localName == "IMG") {
              text = img.alt || link.title || img.title;
              if (text) break;
          if (!text) continue;
        text = text.toLowerCase().replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, "");
        if (!text) continue;

        // 纯数字链接
        if (isDigital(text)) {
          if (digCurFound) continue;
          linkNumber = parseInt(RegExp.$1);

          // 检测下一个位置是否是当前页面的页数
          if ((tmpNode = getCurrentPageNode(link, linkNumber, 1)) && tmpNode) {
            digCurFound = true;
            previous.link = link;
            previous.found = true;
            previous.pos = i;
            // 再检测下下一个位置是否是“下一页”的链接
            if (getNextLink(tmpNode, linkNumber+2, true))
            // 设置往后的30个位置以内为“下一页”的可能链接,以提高检测速度。
            ldnc = i + 30;
          // 检测上一个位置是否是当前页面的页数
          else if (getCurrentPageNode(link, linkNumber, -1)) {
            digCurFound = true;
            next.link = link;
            next.found = true;
            next.pos = i;
            ldpc = i + 30;
          // 检测自身是否是当前页面的页数
          else if (getCurrentPageNode(link, linkNumber, 0)) {
            digCurFound = true;
            // 再检测下一个位置是否是“下一页”的链接
            if (getNextLink(link, linkNumber+1, true)) {
              next.pos = i;
              ldpc = i + 30;
            // 设置往后的30个位置以内为“下一页”的可能链接,以提高检测速度。
            ldnc = i + 30;
        else {
          found = false;
          if (!next.found && !(lnc < i) && !(ldnc < i)) {
            for (var j = 0; j < next.texts.length; j++) {
              regexp.compile(preRegexp + next.texts[j] + nextRegexp, 'i');
              if (regexp.test(text)) {
                // 检测到“下一页”的链接
                found = true;
                next.link = link;
                num = next.miswords[next.texts[j]];
                // 若“下一页”的词语有可能会误判时,最多再检测预定个数的链接。
                (num == null) ? next.found = true : lnc = i + num;
          if (!next.digital && lnc < i) next.found = true;

          if (!found && !previous.found && !(lpc < i) && !(ldpc < i)) {
            for (var j = 0; j < previous.texts.length; j++) {
              regexp.compile(preRegexp + previous.texts[j] + nextRegexp, 'i');
              if (regexp.test(text)) {
                // 检测到“上一页”的链接
                previous.link = link;
                num = previous.miswords[previous.texts[j]];
                // 若“上一页”的词语有可能会误判时,最多再检测预定个数的链接。
                (num == null) ? previous.found = true : lpc = i + num;
          if (lpc < i) previous.found = true;
          // 重新设置纯数字链接未被检查
          digCurFound = null;

        // 找到“上一页”和“下一页”的链接或找到其中一个而另一个超过规定范围没找到,将不再查找。
        if (next.found && previous.found ||
            next.found && i > next.pos + 30 ||
            previous.found && i > previous.pos + 30)
      // 通过以上方法没有找到“下一页”的,把第一次检测出来的数字1的链接作为当前页,2作为“下一页”。
      if (!next.found /*&& !next.link*/ && next.digital)
        next.link = next.digital;

      if (next.link) next.found = true;
      if (previous.link) previous.found = true;

      if (!next.found && !previous.found)

    // 检查翻页按钮
    function checkButtons() {
      var but, text, found;
      var regexp = new RegExp();
      var buts = document.getElementsByTagName('INPUT');
      for (var i = 0; i < buts.length; i++) {
        but = buts[i];
        if (but.hasAttribute("disabled") || !(/^button$/i.test(but.type) && but.getAttribute("onclick"))) continue;

        text = but.value;
        found = false;
        if (!next.found) {
          for (var j = 0; j < next.texts.length; j++) {
            regexp.compile(preRegexp + next.texts[j] + nextRegexp, 'i');
            if (regexp.test(text)) {
              // 检测到“下一页”的按钮
              next.link = but;
              next.found = found = true;

        if (!found && !previous.found) {
          for (var j = 0; j < previous.texts.length; j++) {
            regexp.compile(preRegexp + previous.texts[j] + nextRegexp, 'i');
            if (regexp.test(text)) {
              // 检测到“上一页”的按钮
              previous.link = but;
              previous.found = true;
        if (next.found && previous.found) break;

    // 取得相邻的纯数字节点,type: 1 下一个;-1 上一个
    function getSiblingNode(node, type) {
      if (!node) return null;
      node = getSibling(node, type);
      while (node && (node.nodeName == "#coment" ||
        node = getSibling(node, type);
      return node;
    function getSibling(aNode, type) {
      if (!aNode) return null;
      if (isOnlyNode(aNode)) {
        try {
          aNode = (type == 1 ? aNode.parentNode.nextSibling : aNode.parentNode.previousSibling);
          if (skipNode(aNode))
            aNode = (type == 1 ? aNode.nextSibling : aNode.previousSibling);
          aNode = aNode.childNodes[0];
          if (skipNode(aNode))
            aNode = aNode.nextSibling;
        catch (e) {return null;}
      else {
        aNode = (type == 1 ? aNode.nextSibling : aNode.previousSibling);
      return aNode;
    function isOnlyNode(n) {
      return !n.nextSibling && !n.previousSibling ||
             !n.nextSibling && skipNode(n.previousSibling) && !n.previousSibling.previousSibling ||
             !n.previousSibling && skipNode(n.nextSibling) && !n.nextSibling.nextSibling ||
             skipNode(n.previousSibling) && !n.previousSibling.previousSibling &&
             skipNode(n.nextSibling) && !n.nextSibling.nextSibling;
    function skipNode(sNode) {
      return sNode && /*sNode.nodeName == "#text" &&*/ (/^\s*$/.test(sNode.textContent));

    // 检测是否有下一页的纯数字链接,number:页数
    function getNextLink(node, number, set) {
      var tNode = getSiblingNode(node, 1);
      if (tNode && tNode.nodeName == "A" && isDigital(tNode.textContent)) {
        if (RegExp.$1 == number) {
          // 找到纯数字链接
          if (set) {
            next.link = tNode;
            next.found = true;
          return tNode;
      return null;

    function isDigital(str, t) {
      str = str.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, "");
      if (t == -1)
        str = str.split(/\s+/).pop();
      else if (t == 1)
        str = str.split(/\s+/)[0];
      return (/^(\d+)$/.test(str)) ||
             (/^\[\s?(\d+)\s?\]$/.test(str)) ||
             (/^【\s?(\d+)\s?】$/.test(str)) ||
             (/^[\s?(\d+)\s?]$/.test(str)) ||

    // 判断是否是当前页面的数字,type:-1,0,1 分别是要判别的上一个、当前、下一个节点
    function getCurrentPageNode(node, linkNum, type) {
      var tNode;
      if (type == 0) {
        tNode = getSiblingNode(node, 1) || getSiblingNode(node, -1);
        if (!tNode) return null;
        if (!node.hasAttribute("onclick") && node.href != tNode.href &&
            (!node.hasAttribute("href") && isDigital(node.textContent, type) ||
            !(/\/#[^\/]+$/.test(node.href)) && node.href == location.href && isDigital(node.textContent, type))) {
          if (linkNum > 0 && RegExp.$1 == linkNum) return node;
        // 某些论坛处在第一页时,实际链接和当前页链接不符,只有和其余纯数字链接的结构或颜色不同时,
        // 才使用纯数字的“2”作为“下一页”的链接。
        else if (!next.digital && (/^\s*[\[[【]?1[\]]】]?\s*$/.test(node.textContent))) {
          var two = getNextLink(node, 2);
          if (two && difDigital(node, two))
            next.digital = two;
      else {
        tNode = getSiblingNode(node, type);
        if (!tNode) return null;
        if (tNode.nodeName != "A" && isDigital(tNode.textContent, type) ||
            tNode.nodeName == "A" && !tNode.hasAttribute("onclick") && node.href != tNode.href &&
            (!tNode.hasAttribute("href") && isDigital(tNode.textContent, type) ||
            !(/\/#[^\/]+$/.test(tNode.href)) && tNode.href == location.href && isDigital(tNode.textContent, type))) {
          var n = linkNum + type;
          if (n > 0 && RegExp.$1 == n) {
            if (next.digital) next.digital = null;
            return tNode;
      return null;

    function difDigital(node1, node2) {
      if (getStructure(node1) == getStructure(node2) && getStyleColor(node1) == getStyleColor(node2))
        return false;
      return true;
    function getStructure(aNode) {
      return aNode.innerHTML.replace(/\d+/, "");
    function getStyleColor(aNode) {
      return document.defaultView.getComputedStyle(aNode, null).getPropertyValue("color");

    function openLink(linkNode) {
      if (!linkNode) return;
      var hf = linkNode.getAttribute("href");
      if (!linkNode.hasAttribute("onclick") && hf && !(/^#/.test(hf)) && linkNode.href != location.href) {
      else {
        // 有些4D鼠标摆动一下滚轮会触发多下的方向键,故增设一个延迟参数,使它只翻一页。
        delay = true;
        setTimeout(cleanVars, 300);
        var e = document.createEvent("MouseEvents");
        e.initMouseEvent("click", 1, 1, window, 1, 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0, linkNode);
    function cleanVars() {
      try {
        checked = false;
        delay = false;
        next.link = next.found = next.digital = null;
        previous.link = previous.found = previous.digital = null;
        delete next.pos;
        delete previous.pos;
      } catch(e) {}

    // 检查过且没有发现上一页或下一页的连接,则退出
    if (checked && !next.found && !previous.found)

    if (!checked) {
      checked = true;

    if(url.indexOf('search.bilibili.com') > -1) {
        lab = document.getElementsByClassName('vui_button vui_pagenation--btn vui_pagenation--btn-side')[0];
        if(lab != null) lab.click();
    } else if(url.indexOf('www.bilibili.com/tv/index') > -1 || url.indexOf('www.bilibili.com/movie/index') > -1 ||
        url.indexOf('space.bilibili.com') > -1) {
        lab = document.getElementsByClassName('p prev-page')[0];
        if(lab != null) lab.click();       
    } else if(url.indexOf('s.taobao.com') > -1) {
        lab = document.getElementsByClassName('item prev')[0];
        if(lab != null) lab.children[0].click();  
    } else {

function nextpage() {
    var checked = false;
    var delay = false;
    var next = {};
    var previous = {};
    // 下一页链接里的文字
    next.texts      = [ 'next',
                        'next page',
    // 上一页链接里的文字
    previous.texts  = [ 'previous',
                        'previous page',
    // 可能会误判的关键词
    next.miswords   = { "下一章": 30,
                        "下一篇": 30,
                        "后一章": 30,
                        "后一篇": 30,
                        "下一节": 30,
                        ">>": 2000,
                        "»": 2000
    previous.miswords = { "上一章": 30,
                          "上一篇": 30,
                          "前一章": 30,
                          "前一篇": 30,
                          "上一节": 30,
                          "<<": 2000,
                          "«": 2000

    // 最后添加一些论坛使用的翻页符号


    // 翻页文字的前面和后面可能包含的字符(正则表达式)
    var preRegexp  = '(^\\s*(?:[<‹«]*|[>›»]*|[\\(\\[『「[【]?)\\s*)';
    var nextRegexp = '(\\s*(?:[>›»]*|[\\)\\]』」]】]?)\\s*$)';

    function checkLinks() {
      var link, text, ldnc, lnc, ldpc, lpc, num, digCurFound, linkNumber, found, tmpNode;
      var regexp = new RegExp();
      // 查找相应的链接
      var links = document.getElementsByTagName('A');
      for (var i = 0; i < links.length; i++) {
        link = links[i];

        // 跳过不起作用的链接
        if (!link.offsetParent || link.offsetWidth == 0 || link.offsetHeight == 0 || !link.hasAttribute("href") && !link.hasAttribute("onclick"))
        // 跳过日历
        if (/(?:^|\s)(?:monthlink|weekday|day|day[\-_]\S+)(?:\s|$)/i.test(link.className))

        if (/^nextlink/i.test(link.id) || /^linknext/i.test(link.id) ||
            /(^|\s)nextlink/i.test(link.className) || /(^|\s)linknext/i.test(link.className))
          next.link = link;
        if (/^prev(ious)?link/i.test(link.id) || /^linkprev(ious)?/i.test(link.id) ||
            /(^|\s)prev(ious)?link/i.test(link.className) || /(^|\s)linkprev(ious)?/i.test(link.className))
          previous.link = link;

        text = link.textContent;
        if (!text) {
          // 若链接中没有文字,则检查图片的alt属性、链接或图片的title
          for (var img in link.childNodes) {
            if (img.localName == "IMG") {
              text = img.alt || link.title || img.title;
              if (text) break;
          if (!text) continue;
        text = text.toLowerCase().replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, "");
        if (!text) continue;

        // 纯数字链接
        if (isDigital(text)) {
          if (digCurFound) continue;
          linkNumber = parseInt(RegExp.$1);

          // 检测下一个位置是否是当前页面的页数
          if ((tmpNode = getCurrentPageNode(link, linkNumber, 1)) && tmpNode) {
            digCurFound = true;
            previous.link = link;
            previous.found = true;
            previous.pos = i;
            // 再检测下下一个位置是否是“下一页”的链接
            if (getNextLink(tmpNode, linkNumber+2, true))
            // 设置往后的30个位置以内为“下一页”的可能链接,以提高检测速度。
            ldnc = i + 30;
          // 检测上一个位置是否是当前页面的页数
          else if (getCurrentPageNode(link, linkNumber, -1)) {
            digCurFound = true;
            next.link = link;
            next.found = true;
            next.pos = i;
            ldpc = i + 30;
          // 检测自身是否是当前页面的页数
          else if (getCurrentPageNode(link, linkNumber, 0)) {
            digCurFound = true;
            // 再检测下一个位置是否是“下一页”的链接
            if (getNextLink(link, linkNumber+1, true)) {
              next.pos = i;
              ldpc = i + 30;
            // 设置往后的30个位置以内为“下一页”的可能链接,以提高检测速度。
            ldnc = i + 30;
        else {
          found = false;
          if (!next.found && !(lnc < i) && !(ldnc < i)) {
            for (var j = 0; j < next.texts.length; j++) {
              regexp.compile(preRegexp + next.texts[j] + nextRegexp, 'i');
              if (regexp.test(text)) {
                // 检测到“下一页”的链接
                found = true;
                next.link = link;
                num = next.miswords[next.texts[j]];
                // 若“下一页”的词语有可能会误判时,最多再检测预定个数的链接。
                (num == null) ? next.found = true : lnc = i + num;
          if (!next.digital && lnc < i) next.found = true;

          if (!found && !previous.found && !(lpc < i) && !(ldpc < i)) {
            for (var j = 0; j < previous.texts.length; j++) {
              regexp.compile(preRegexp + previous.texts[j] + nextRegexp, 'i');
              if (regexp.test(text)) {
                // 检测到“上一页”的链接
                previous.link = link;
                num = previous.miswords[previous.texts[j]];
                // 若“上一页”的词语有可能会误判时,最多再检测预定个数的链接。
                (num == null) ? previous.found = true : lpc = i + num;
          if (lpc < i) previous.found = true;
          // 重新设置纯数字链接未被检查
          digCurFound = null;

        // 找到“上一页”和“下一页”的链接或找到其中一个而另一个超过规定范围没找到,将不再查找。
        if (next.found && previous.found ||
            next.found && i > next.pos + 30 ||
            previous.found && i > previous.pos + 30)
      // 通过以上方法没有找到“下一页”的,把第一次检测出来的数字1的链接作为当前页,2作为“下一页”。
      if (!next.found /*&& !next.link*/ && next.digital)
        next.link = next.digital;

      if (next.link) next.found = true;
      if (previous.link) previous.found = true;

      if (!next.found && !previous.found)

    // 检查翻页按钮
    function checkButtons() {
      var but, text, found;
      var regexp = new RegExp();
      var buts = document.getElementsByTagName('INPUT');
      for (var i = 0; i < buts.length; i++) {
        but = buts[i];
        if (but.hasAttribute("disabled") || !(/^button$/i.test(but.type) && but.getAttribute("onclick"))) continue;

        text = but.value;
        found = false;
        if (!next.found) {
          for (var j = 0; j < next.texts.length; j++) {
            regexp.compile(preRegexp + next.texts[j] + nextRegexp, 'i');
            if (regexp.test(text)) {
              // 检测到“下一页”的按钮
              next.link = but;
              next.found = found = true;

        if (!found && !previous.found) {
          for (var j = 0; j < previous.texts.length; j++) {
            regexp.compile(preRegexp + previous.texts[j] + nextRegexp, 'i');
            if (regexp.test(text)) {
              // 检测到“上一页”的按钮
              previous.link = but;
              previous.found = true;
        if (next.found && previous.found) break;

    // 取得相邻的纯数字节点,type: 1 下一个;-1 上一个
    function getSiblingNode(node, type) {
      if (!node) return null;
      node = getSibling(node, type);
      while (node && (node.nodeName == "#coment" ||
        node = getSibling(node, type);
      return node;
    function getSibling(aNode, type) {
      if (!aNode) return null;
      if (isOnlyNode(aNode)) {
        try {
          aNode = (type == 1 ? aNode.parentNode.nextSibling : aNode.parentNode.previousSibling);
          if (skipNode(aNode))
            aNode = (type == 1 ? aNode.nextSibling : aNode.previousSibling);
          aNode = aNode.childNodes[0];
          if (skipNode(aNode))
            aNode = aNode.nextSibling;
        catch (e) {return null;}
      else {
        aNode = (type == 1 ? aNode.nextSibling : aNode.previousSibling);
      return aNode;
    function isOnlyNode(n) {
      return !n.nextSibling && !n.previousSibling ||
             !n.nextSibling && skipNode(n.previousSibling) && !n.previousSibling.previousSibling ||
             !n.previousSibling && skipNode(n.nextSibling) && !n.nextSibling.nextSibling ||
             skipNode(n.previousSibling) && !n.previousSibling.previousSibling &&
             skipNode(n.nextSibling) && !n.nextSibling.nextSibling;
    function skipNode(sNode) {
      return sNode && /*sNode.nodeName == "#text" &&*/ (/^\s*$/.test(sNode.textContent));

    // 检测是否有下一页的纯数字链接,number:页数
    function getNextLink(node, number, set) {
      var tNode = getSiblingNode(node, 1);
      if (tNode && tNode.nodeName == "A" && isDigital(tNode.textContent)) {
        if (RegExp.$1 == number) {
          // 找到纯数字链接
          if (set) {
            next.link = tNode;
            next.found = true;
          return tNode;
      return null;

    function isDigital(str, t) {
      str = str.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, "");
      if (t == -1)
        str = str.split(/\s+/).pop();
      else if (t == 1)
        str = str.split(/\s+/)[0];
      return (/^(\d+)$/.test(str)) ||
             (/^\[\s?(\d+)\s?\]$/.test(str)) ||
             (/^【\s?(\d+)\s?】$/.test(str)) ||
             (/^[\s?(\d+)\s?]$/.test(str)) ||

    // 判断是否是当前页面的数字,type:-1,0,1 分别是要判别的上一个、当前、下一个节点
    function getCurrentPageNode(node, linkNum, type) {
      var tNode;
      if (type == 0) {
        tNode = getSiblingNode(node, 1) || getSiblingNode(node, -1);
        if (!tNode) return null;
        if (!node.hasAttribute("onclick") && node.href != tNode.href &&
            (!node.hasAttribute("href") && isDigital(node.textContent, type) ||
            !(/\/#[^\/]+$/.test(node.href)) && node.href == location.href && isDigital(node.textContent, type))) {
          if (linkNum > 0 && RegExp.$1 == linkNum) return node;
        // 某些论坛处在第一页时,实际链接和当前页链接不符,只有和其余纯数字链接的结构或颜色不同时,
        // 才使用纯数字的“2”作为“下一页”的链接。
        else if (!next.digital && (/^\s*[\[[【]?1[\]]】]?\s*$/.test(node.textContent))) {
          var two = getNextLink(node, 2);
          if (two && difDigital(node, two))
            next.digital = two;
      else {
        tNode = getSiblingNode(node, type);
        if (!tNode) return null;
        if (tNode.nodeName != "A" && isDigital(tNode.textContent, type) ||
            tNode.nodeName == "A" && !tNode.hasAttribute("onclick") && node.href != tNode.href &&
            (!tNode.hasAttribute("href") && isDigital(tNode.textContent, type) ||
            !(/\/#[^\/]+$/.test(tNode.href)) && tNode.href == location.href && isDigital(tNode.textContent, type))) {
          var n = linkNum + type;
          if (n > 0 && RegExp.$1 == n) {
            if (next.digital) next.digital = null;
            return tNode;
      return null;

    function difDigital(node1, node2) {
      if (getStructure(node1) == getStructure(node2) && getStyleColor(node1) == getStyleColor(node2))
        return false;
      return true;
    function getStructure(aNode) {
      return aNode.innerHTML.replace(/\d+/, "");
    function getStyleColor(aNode) {
      return document.defaultView.getComputedStyle(aNode, null).getPropertyValue("color");

    function openLink(linkNode) {
      if (!linkNode) return;
      var hf = linkNode.getAttribute("href");
      if (!linkNode.hasAttribute("onclick") && hf && !(/^#/.test(hf)) && linkNode.href != location.href) {
      else {
        // 有些4D鼠标摆动一下滚轮会触发多下的方向键,故增设一个延迟参数,使它只翻一页。
        delay = true;
        setTimeout(cleanVars, 300);
        var e = document.createEvent("MouseEvents");
        e.initMouseEvent("click", 1, 1, window, 1, 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0, linkNode);
    function cleanVars() {
      try {
        checked = false;
        delay = false;
        next.link = next.found = next.digital = null;
        previous.link = previous.found = previous.digital = null;
        delete next.pos;
        delete previous.pos;
      } catch(e) {}

    // 检查过且没有发现上一页或下一页的连接,则退出
    if (checked && !next.found && !previous.found)

    if (!checked) {
      checked = true;
    if(url.indexOf('search.bilibili.com') > -1) {
        lab = document.getElementsByClassName('vui_button vui_pagenation--btn vui_pagenation--btn-side')[0];
        if(lab != null) lab.click();
    } else if(url.indexOf('www.bilibili.com/tv/index') > -1 || url.indexOf('www.bilibili.com/movie/index') > -1 ||
        url.indexOf('space.bilibili.com') > -1) {
        lab = document.getElementsByClassName('p next-page')[0];
        if(lab != null) lab.click();
    } else if(url.indexOf('s.taobao.com') > -1) {
        lab = document.getElementsByClassName('item next')[0];
        if(lab != null) lab.children[0].click();  
    } else {

    var keynum;
    if(window.event) // IE
        keynum = event.keyCode;

    else if(event.which) // Netscape/Firefox/Opera
        keynum = event.which;

