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Review: OK - script works, but has bugs

Posted: 24/02/2022

Hello @flomei,

I got annoyed by the overflow of Zeit+ articles, so installed this script. But it didn't remove all links for Zeit+.
So I checked and saw that some are marked as zplus-dynamic which evades the filter. I fixed it by changing
var articles = document.querySelectorAll('[data-zplus="zplus"]');
var articles = document.querySelectorAll('[data-zplus^="zplus"]');

The ^ in data-zplus^="zplus" matched all elements starting with "zplus", including "zplus-dynamic".

Thanks for the nice script! I hope my changes help others too!

Posted: 01/04/2023

Sorry for the late reply, I just fixed it by adding the "zplus-dynamic"-selector, but your solution would work, too.

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