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Review: Good - script works

Posted: 16/09/2020
Edited: 16/09/2020

I would really love this script to work because it's supposed to do what I need.

But it doesn't work, it doesn't do anything, the Twitter page looks exactly the same as if the script wasn't installed.

(Windows 7 -64 bits- desktop computer, Chrome browser 78 and Tampermonkey 4.10).

I've read on the other thread that maybe it's an issue with Tampermonkey, but I have other scripts for Twitter running and working well through Tampermonkey on the same computer and browser.

I hope you can fix it, thank you very much in advance.

Posted: 16/09/2020

Do you open tweets by clicking on them and letting them load in the same tab as the timeline?

I wrote the script with just my own use in mind and I always open tweets in new tabs. Since I didn't take the same-tab method into account, the script wouldn't work properly for that.

I've updated the script so it should work with the same-tab method. Give it a try and let me know if it works for you or not.

Posted: 16/09/2020
Edited: 17/09/2020

Thank you for replying quickly and for updating the script as well.

But unfortunately it still doesn't work. Sometimes I open the tweets in the same tab and sometimes I open them in a new tab. But (at least in my case), that doesn't make any difference.

In both the old and the new version of the script, it doesn't do anything, whether you open the tweet in the same tab or in a new one.

I thought maybe the problem was the language, since I use the Twitter interface in Spanish, but I set it in English and it didn't change anything either, the script still doesn't work.

I hope you can find out what the problem is, I'll keep an eye on your replies and the updates of the script to be able to continue testing it.

Thanks again.

Posted: 18/09/2020

That's strange. Does your Twitter layout look like this, or is it different? Are you running any other scripts or extensions that may affect the Twitter layout?

Posted: 18/09/2020
Edited: 18/09/2020

Yes, my Twitter layout looks exactly like yours. The only difference is the language, mine is in spanish. But I've already tried to set it up in english and it doesn't change anything.

I have a couple more scripts related to Twitter, but I don't think they can interfere with yours. Just in case, I will disable them all and try your script again.

Edit: I've already tried disabling the other scripts and still yours doesn't work.

See this tweet for example:

At this moment, it has 46 replies. But I see 5 times the "Mostrar respuestas" (Show replies) button.
Then, at the end I see the "Mostrar más respuestas" (Show more replies) button.

And when clicked the "show more replies" button, a few more replies are loaded, but at the end, a new button appears: "Mostrar respuestas adicionales, incluidas las que puedan contener material ofensivo" (in english would be something like "Show additional replies, including those that may contain offensive material"). And if you click that button, one more reply is loaded.

If I understand correctly, your script should make the 3 types of buttons disappear and display all the replies straight away, right?

I don't think it will change anything, because I have already tried it, but just in case, trying to reproduce the issue, please set your Twitter temporarily in a language other than English, for example Spanish, and see what happens. See if the script still works or not.

And finally: Are you testing this on Chrome and Tampermonkey too?
I ask you this because I am using Tampermonkey and I've read on the other thread that another user was not getting the script to work via Tampermonkey because of a CSP problem. And he solved it by migrating to Violentmonkey or Greasemonkey. It's strange because I have other scripts related to Twitter that work well through Tampermonkey. But if it's not the language, the problem must be due to an incompatibility between the script, Tampermonkey and Twitter. Maybe you can look into it.

I can't think of anything else, but maybe you can.

Thank you very much.

Posted: 18/09/2020
Edited: 18/09/2020

Please, if you had already read my previous message, read it again, because I corrected some things that I think were mistaken in my broken english and I also added some more considerations, which might be useful for you.

Thank you very much once again, for your attention and your time.

Posted: 19/09/2020
Edited: 19/09/2020

Twitter recently changed how replies are displayed (old style vs new style), this change broke my script so I updated it to work with the new reply style (1.3.2).

It turns out that this new style hasn't been rolled out for everyone, so some people still see the old style. I didn't take the old style into account when writing 1.3.2, so it won't work with anyone who still has the old style.

I've just updated the script so that it should now work with both styles. Please let me know if the new version works for you.

Posted: 19/09/2020

So that was the problem. Looking at the screenshots you sent today, I clearly see the Twitter replies in the "old style". When they make that kind of change on the web, sometimes it takes weeks or months for that new layout to be available in all countries.

Any other problem is ruled out then, the malfunction was not because of the Tampermonkey or the language.

The script now works in the "old style" as well.

But there is one bad news, though. It only works if I open the tweets in a new tab. That was another change you made later (version 1.3.3) and it's not taking effect if combined with the old style.

If I open the tweets in a new tab, the script works beautifully now. Even with the replies with offensive material.

But if I open the tweet in the same tab of the timeline, it doesn't work at all. In some cases, after you enter the tweet in the same tab, if you refresh the page (F5), the script works. But in other cases it doesn't work even if you refresh the page 5 times.

In fact, I did one more test. I uninstalled the script and installed version 1.3.1 (the last one that was intended for the old style) and it behaves exactly the same as the current version. That is, it works fine if you open the tweet in the new tab, but not in the same tab.

So for those of us who have the "old style", the current version would be the same as 1.3.1, it lacks the adaptation to be able to open the tweets in the same tab.

Once again, thank you very much for this wonderful script.

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