Chat Line Highlighting

Highlights lines which include your name and other set words

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Original Author: Ventero
Original Host:
Created: 23/05/09
Updated: 21/10/12
Total installs on original host as of 06/03/16: 8,922
Working Status: Obsolete

Dev notes:

This script will highlight lines which include your name and other words you choose. To set the words which get highlighted, just type "/highlight list of words" (or /hl).

Version: 2.6

This script has been updated, so you won't see Base64 gibberish in chat anymore. You may have to remove this script before installing the newest version.

Note: You need my framework-script in order to make this script work! So make sure it is installed when installing this one!

This script adds several commands:

/hl (or /highlight) followed by a list of words (seperated by spaces) makes the script highlight every message that contains one of those words. Note that you don't have to retype the list after refreshing - it gets saved! (At least if you're using Firefox)

/hlcolor followed by a valid hex-color (without the leading #, so an example would be /hlcolor 00FF00) changes the color which the script uses to highlight messages to that color (Gets saved, too)

/hluser followed by a list of usernames highlights all messages by those users - including whispers.

/hlfriends toggles highlighting messages sent by your friends. If activated, your friend's names will show up highlighted (by default green) in chat messages.

/hlmods toggles highlighting the names of mods in chat. When activated, mods names appear orange by default, the color can be changed with /modcolor.

/hlpriority toggles the priority of /hlmods and /hlfriends. By default, users who are both mods and your friends will be highlighted in the friend-color when activating /hlmods and /hlfriends. Use /hlpriority to make them appear in the mod-color instead.

/whispercolor works similar to /hlcolor, but changes the color of whispers you send/receive.

/friendcolor changes the color of friends' names in chat.

/modcolor changes the color of mod-names in chat.

/hllist lists the current settings.

/hlreset resets all preferences to their default values.

If MrSpontaneous' PM-notifier is installed, this script notifies you when someone sends a highlighted message.
Use /hlchime to disable that feature.

All commands are case-insensitive (i.e. typing "/hl foo" would also highlight messages containing "FOO"), and you don't have to re-setup everything after refreshing!

Copyright (c) 2009-2012 Ventero, licensed under MIT/X11 license.

2.6: Fix some bugs introduced by recent Kong updates.
2.4.4: Should be really fixed this time...
2.4.3: Your own name won't get highlighted anymore even if the chat thinks you added yourself as a friend.
2.4.2: Your own name doesn't get highlighted anymore when you're a mod, and whispers now have higher priority than highlights again.
2.4.1: Removed some debugging stuff that wasn't supposed to get uploaded
2.4.0: Rewrote parts of the script, so it should never ever break chat again (let's hope that's actually true :P). Also fixed some minor bugs.
2.3.1: Fixed the script so it doesn't display Base64 gibberish in chat anymore.
2.3.0: Added /hlmods, /modcolor and /hlpriority to toggle the priority of /hlmods and /hlfriends
2.2.4: Fixed a bug where some whispers by /hluser'd users weren't highlighted (thanks Nariel!)
2.2.3: Fixed a few bugs in Opera (thanks, decadentisme!)
2.2.2: Fixed friend-highlighting (which broke due to a recent update on Kongregate)
2.2.1: /friendcolor didn't change the font color but the background - oops! (Thanks, The_Chosen_One!)
2.2.0: A recent Kong-update broke this script, which is fixed now. Also added /friendcolor
2.1.8: Fixed a bug introduced with the last patch which semi-broke the /hlcolor-command
2.1.7: Fixed a bug which sometimes didn't highlight messages in chrome. Also added some minor performance improvements.
2.1.6: Fixed a bug that sent out false notifications when someone you muted sent a message containing a highlighted word.
2.1.5: Added /hlchime, which toggles the chime for highlighted messages
2.1.1: Fixed a bug which highlighted even the messages sent by friends when using /hlfriends, not only the usernames (thanks 123aaa789!)
2.1.0: Fixed problems caused by Kong's new chat messaging features
2.0: Added /hlfriends, /whispercolor and notification when Spont's Notifier is installed
1.8: Added auto-updater
1.7: Added Chrome 4-support, requires the new version of my framework-script
1.6: Added Chrome 3-support
1.5: Script works now with Firefox, Opera and Chrome again
1.3: Compatibility-fix. Make sure my framework-script is installed!
1.2: Added the /hluser command. After typing /hluser foo bar, the script highlights all messages (including whispers) written by foo and bar. Also some minor compatibility-fixes.
1.1.2: Changed the hlcolor-command to accept uppercase-hexcodes (Thanks again to Candy ;) )
1.1.1: Fixed a bug which prevented non-lowercase usernames to be highlighted (Thanks to IAmTheCandyman for telling me about this problem!)
1.1: Added the /hlcolor command, which lets you set the highlighting-color. The format is /hlcolor ****** where ****** is the hexcode of a color without the leading #. An example for green is: /hlcolor 00ff00
1.0.2: Fixed a memory leak
1.0.1: Added fix for Chrome 2.x
1.0: Initial release