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Greasy Fork Script Discussions

Easily shows you what script discussions need a response.

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Pridaný: 19.04.2015

I don't see any Change ....

I have tested your script with no results:
Can you provide a Before/After screenshot ?

Pridaný: 20.04.2015

This was mostly for personal use, you have to be logged in to your account. It shows you in a MsgBox (alert) what ratings all your scripts have. It just sums it all up in the alert box. Also, if you have lots of discussions on your scripts, the alert box shows you which of your scripts have the last comment made by someone other than you, so you can easily see what scripts you need to respond to and which ones you have already responded to.

Thank you for the support,

Pridaný: 21.04.2015

But it seems not working on Firefox ...

Pridaný: 21.04.2015

Oh really? I am currently out and shouldn't be on my phone, but needed to check this.

I will check up on this when I get home, thanks again for the support!


Pridaný: 22.04.2015
Upravený: 22.04.2015

Hey decembre,

I finally got around to testing this out (sorry for the long time waiting) and it seems to be working for me on Firefox.

I have uploaded screenshots of what it looks like on Chrome and Firefox, the links are below:


Sorry for the massive size of the screen, therefore the small size of the text, I am on my 27" iMac so on smaller monitors (like you may have) the images will be hard to see, so you may have to zoom in :)

Make sure you are logged into GreasyFork and are on your own script page. If this still doesn't work for you, please provide your OS, script handler (Greasemonkey, Scriptish) and version of Firefox you are running (if it isn't the latest version, I would recommend updating to it).

I have tonight, updated the script to version 1.4 just to add clarification when no results are found (like no bad script ratings or no other commenters last on your scripts).

Enjoy the (hopefully) resolved issue,

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