Youtube H.264

use H.264 on youtube. based on

< Spätná väzba na Youtube H.264

Hodnotenie: Dobré - skript funguje

Deleted user 128
Pridaný: 09.11.2015
Upravený: 26.11.2015

CPU divided by 4!

Runs flawlessly and I've noticed an average CPU fall from 20% to 5% (tested Youtube video was in 1080p).
There's a similar add-on for Firefox but I always opt for a script when available.
Once installed you can check at that indeed 'WebM VP8' and 'MSE & WebM VP9' have been disabled (I'm running Firefox 42 and all encoders are supported natively).

My system runs fine without this script but :
1- Why use more CPU when less is possible?
2- Not being a techie I wonder why Youtube encodes in VP8/VP9 when H.264 is so much better : thanks if you have the answer :)

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