Neverwinter gateway - Profession Automation

Automatically selects professions for empty slots

< Spätná väzba na Neverwinter gateway - Profession Automation

Hodnotenie: Dobré - skript funguje

Pridaný: 15.12.2015

Increase Speed?

Is there a way to increase the speed of "collect result" and selection of new tasks?
i see this in the script (below) but i am not sure if this is what needs to be modified?

// Setup global closure variables
var $ = unsafeWindow.jQuery;
var timerHandle = 0;
var dfdNextRun = $.Deferred();
var charcurrent = 0; // current character counter
var chartimers = {};
var settingwipe = false; // Use to wipe stored settings
var delay = {
SHORT: 1000,
MEDIUM: 5000,
LONG: 30000,
MINS: 300000,
DEFAULT: 10000, // default delay
TIMEOUT: 60000, // delay for cycle processing timeout

Thank you in advance and for all your work on this script.

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