Youtube Shorts Garbage Remover

Hides elements based on like count conditions. Removes the trash tier garbage youtube shorts shovelled down your throat.

Zoznam verzií skriptu, ktorých kód bol aktualizovaný. Zobraziť všetky verzie.

  • v1.66 25.08.2023

    -Fixed bug with youtube sometimes swapping unloaded liketext from "like" to "Like" which happens a random amount of the time. What the heck youtube?

  • v1.65 25.08.2023

    - Fixed non-detection for videos lacking titles that instead had hashtags which for some reason has a different dom layout... :/

  • v1.6 25.08.2023

    - I don't know why it broke, but heres a rewrite that works. Green liketext means it verified it to not be garbage.

  • v1.5 18.05.2023

    - Rewrote the code from scratch. Definitely works this time.

  • v1.4 01.05.2023

    - Fixed it from deleting videos when waiting too long.
    - Fixed Deleting on PreLoad(most of the time? Seriously losing my mind here. It works, but sometimes it will delete the first video before it loads. :s)

  • v1.3 01.05.2023

    - Fixed script not loading when youtube loads in the page without actually reloading the page, it will now always run on youtube, but only filter if on /shorts/
    - Fixed it removing videos with millions of likes. "10m does not have a k but be bad." Oops.

  • v1.2 29.04.2023

    - Fixed a case where it would try to delete unloaded "not yet ready" videos repeatedly causing the page to glitch out.
    - Added some more failsafes
    - Added a Neato stats logger that "mostly" works as intended.
    - Added more comments.

  • v1.1 29.04.2023

    - Fixed it from running too quickly before the value of likes could be detected.
    - Added logging to the console to see what it's actually removing.

  • v1.0 29.04.2023