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Twitter Show All Replies

Automatically click 'show more replies'

< Spätná väzba na Twitter Show All Replies

Hodnotenie: Zlé - skript nefunguje

Pridaný: 22.03.2022

not work please update

Pridaný: 03.05.2022

I've added an auto-click for the show replies buttons, so it should fully work now.

Pridaný: 06.05.2022

Doesn't work here, can you add it?

Pridaný: 06.05.2022

Another odd spot for that button. I'll take a look soon.

Pridaný: 06.05.2022

I updated the script.

Pridaný: 06.05.2022

Fine! Your script is elegant and works better.

Pridaný: 06.05.2022

Seems there are more issues that need to be resolved. Some status page overlays are getting clicked, causing them to close again.

Pridaný: 06.05.2022

Okay, that issue has been fixed now too.

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