Control Panel for Twitter

Gives you more control over Twitter and adds missing features and UI improvements

Zoznam verzií skriptu, ktorých kód bol aktualizovaný. Zobraziť všetky verzie.

  • v11 04.04.2020 Twitter reverted to their old timeline rendering - attempting to support both for now
  • v10 03.04.2020
  • v9 21.08.2019 Don't hide the entire sidebar when trying to hide the "Who to follow" section
  • v8 15.08.2019 FIxed a couple of config copy+paste errors
  • v7 06.08.2019 Fix selector for "See latest Tweets instead" menu item
  • v6 31.07.2019 Use requestAnimationFrame instead of setTimeout / Highlight whether Latest Tweets/Home or Retweets are being displayed / Hide promoted tweets
  • v5 30.07.2019 Retweets now appear on their own faux-timeline by default
  • v4 27.07.2019 Added "Always use Latest Tweets timeline"
  • v3 24.07.2019
  • v2 23.07.2019
  • v1 23.07.2019

Zobraziť všetky verzie skriptu