Greasy Fork is available in English. Helper

Learns the wordlist each round and outputs possible words in chat.

< Spätná väzba na Helper

Hodnotenie: Zlé - skript nefunguje

Pridaný: 26.01.2019

It doesn't work

It always suggest me the word of the drawing that was before

Pridaný: 29.01.2019

So let me understand this:

At the end of a guess, the word is revealed, and it goes on to the next guess. You press ALT to show the possible matching words but it only shows the word from the previous round, even though it does not match the hint? (eg. kiwi ≠ _____ )

Am I correct?

The script is supposed to show the wordlist if it matches the hint. (eg. apple = _____ ) But if this is not the case, I will look into this.

Pridaný: 21.02.2019

Hi again, I'm just playing again with a fresh computer and just realised that the issue is lack of words in the wordlist.

The wordlist box won't disappear if there are no matching words in the stored wordlist with the hint.

This can be solved by simply playing more, so that you can add more words to the stored wordlist and this issue can happen less over time.

If this continues to frustrate you, let me know and I can fix the script to solve this issue. However, the issue is quite minor and it solves itself over time the more you play the game.

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