Google Hit Hider by Domain (Search Filter / Block Sites)

Block unwanted sites from your Google, DuckDuckGo,, Bing and Yahoo search results. v2.3.3 2024-12-08

< Spätná väzba na Google Hit Hider by Domain (Search Filter / Block Sites)


Pridaný: 17.11.2019

Baidu Block Error

Click Block Button can't read domain error

Pridaný: 17.11.2019

Violentmonkey+Chrome Stable

Pridaný: 17.11.2019

I'm sorry, the results with the icon in that lower left position do not contain the real site information anywhere. It was replaced with a <style> tag -- that the script is extracting -- followed by the image and some text.

This is a difficult problem to solve in a privacy-respecting way because I think it would require sending the result links to a service, for every result that doesn't list the real site, to request them and figure out the real site, every time one comes up in the results.

Maybe someone else has a better solution to figuring out the real sites.

Pridaný: 18.11.2019

I Know inDarkness script AC-baidu could Filter/Block Site,he figuring out the real sites,the change log is the script can't the filter function without Jefferson Scher help。but his script support few sites and has Unwanted function。I don't know if he solved require sending the result links and respected the privacy issue.maybe you can repair icon filter issue

Pridaný: 18.11.2019

Thank you for the link to the other script. It requests the result URL and then extracts out the real URL from the redirect.

The relevant code starts on the line with

let gmRequestNode = GM_xmlhttpRequest({

The part of the response it finds is the "URL=" part that reveals the real site address. For example:

<META http-equiv="refresh" content="0;URL=''">

Right now, maybe that is only needed for 10-20% of the results, but I hesitate to create a situation where Baidu is collecting information that you "clicked" 10-20% of the links in the results, especially if this leads to unwanted sites moving up.

It's a difficult problem.

Pridaný: 18.11.2019

It's strange that the "URL" changes on different searches and in different browsers. So decoding it might not be an options:


Result 1: Home page

Result 2: How to page

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