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Scripts main index display/sorting

Pridaný: 20.03.2014
Upravený: 20.03.2014

Scripts main index display/sorting

now that you have rating, will you be adding sort by rating to the sorting bar? Also, any chance you can add sort by author name?

Pridaný: 20.03.2014

Sort by rating will come eventually. Sort by name... I don't see the point.

Pridaný: 20.03.2014

If i'm looking for srazzano' scripts, for instance, i don't know which of thousands of pages his scripts might be on. If i sort by name i will be able to see all of srazzano scripts on some reasonably numbered page and click to go to a particular one instead of still having to navigate to his page to find that one script i'm looking for.
Just one example.

Pridaný: 21.03.2014

Sounds like it's easier to just go to his page rather than sort by name and start guessing which page it might be on. Also seems like something where search would be useful.

Pridaný: 21.03.2014

.... don't mention search, please ...
I dread using it on us.o - opens in the same tab for me (so i have to remember to dupe a tab before searching), finds truck loads of irrelevant stuff to sift through, doesn't find what i'm looking for even though i know it's there somewehere ....
If you can fix all this so that i type in 'srazzano' and it opens his page for me, sure, i'll take it!

Pridaný: 21.03.2014

While you're here, what's the purpose of the second Install button?

Pridaný: 21.03.2014
While you're here, what's the purpose of the second Install button here?

Pridaný: 21.03.2014

That's something jerone put there. Why, I don't know.

Pridaný: 21.03.2014

OK then, thanks!

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