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Signing a Flickr api-call from a userscript? (...being the browser user)

Pridaný: 20.08.2015
Upravený: 20.08.2015

Signing a Flickr api-call from a userscript? (...being the browser user)

Hi hackers

I'm making my first greasemonkey userscript, and has stumbled into a little problem...

It is a multi feature userscript for Flickr, and one of the features is to build a column of a photographer's albums to be shown to the right of the photographer's photostream. I currently get the album-list by calling the api method flickr.photosets.getList, and like the other api-calls I make in the script, I do the call unsigned.

This works fine in most cases, but then I stumbled on a photographer (some photos NSFW) where I don't get any albums calling this method, even though the photographer has several albums to be found on her Albums page. As I looked deeper into it, I realized it is because she has all her photos set to have safety-level Restricted, and thus requiring the viewer to be logged in as a user having SafeSearch turned off (or set to moderate?) in Flickr's user-settings.

However my userscript is of course running in the browser and "context" of some user likely already logged into Flickr. Can I somehow easy take advantage of this and call the api as the user already being logged into Flickr?

I know, the alternative to their webservice, could be to instead read the content of the photographer's "real" album-page using XMLHttpRequest, and parse the html to find the photographer's albums. Maybe that's the easiest solution, but I think it would be more elegant to use a stable api - if possible. Reading a webpage would make me more sensitive to site-changes.

I hope I made myself understandable :-) ...

The script is not published yet but will be available through Greasy Fork when ready. Still need some testing and "optimizations" like above.

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