[Auto Faucet]

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Rocco DillonBanned
Posted: 2024-05-23

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Posted: 2024-05-23

no need to spam my scripts with the same issues, if it doesnt work for you then ensure the problem isnt on your end before posting bad reviews when it works fine for me and others

Rocco DillonBanned
Posted: 2024-05-23

no need to spam my scripts with the same issues, if it doesnt work for you then ensure the problem isnt on your end before posting bad reviews when it works fine for me and others

I am not doing Spam, I am just writing the truth as I wrote it in your scripts that I have tried and they work. You must accept both praise and criticism. If someone tells you something doesn't work commit to fixing it and don't be polemical. When you solve the problem and the script works the way your other scripts work I will give you praise.

Posted: 2024-05-23

you did the same exact thing for all scripts....... bro........ here is an analogy for you;

if you dont put gas in your vehicle is it the manufacturers fault your car doesn't run?

Rocco DillonBanned
Posted: 2024-05-24

you did the same exact thing for all scripts....... bro........ here is an analogy for you;

if you dont put gas in your vehicle is it the manufacturers fault your car doesn't run?

You are raving. What are you talking about? Did you dream it up? Go read my positive evaluation and and As I wrote to you and I'll repeat it so it gets into your brain, when something works I give my positive evaluation, when it doesn't work I give negative evaluation, accept both, not just the ones that suit you.

Posted: 2024-05-24

lmao , bro give it a rest. the script works fine. you're the only one complaining

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