GoogleGPT 🤖

Adds AI answers to Google Search (powered by Google Gemma + GPT-4o!)

These are versions of this script where the code was updated. Show all versions.

  • v2024.6.11.6 2024-06-11

    Removed dead proxy API ↞ [auto-sync from adamlui/chatgpt-apps]

  • v2024.6.11.5 2024-06-11

    Moved main routine after func defs ↞ [auto-sync from adamlui/chatgpt-apps]

  • v2024.6.11.4 2024-06-11

    Added flagging of timed out APIs in getShowReply.triedAPIs to not exclude from new query tries ↞ [auto-sync from adamlui/chatgpt-apps]

  • v2024.6.11.3 2024-06-11

    Moved updateTweaksStyle() in appShow() into show-answer block for readability ↞ [auto-sync from adamlui/chatgpt-apps]

  • v2024.6.11.2 2024-06-11

    Included standby mode in chatbar auto-focus for faster access ↞ [auto-sync from adamlui/chatgpt-apps]

  • v2024.6.11.1 2024-06-11

    Overhauled answer sender/status/err tracking/handling to be more robust ↞ [auto-sync from adamlui/chatgpt-apps]

  • v2024.6.11 2024-06-11

    Removed math query augment for being too pollutive ↞ [auto-sync from adamlui/chatgpt-apps]

  • v2024.6.10.14 2024-06-10

    Updated desktop Auto-Scroll coordinates ↞ [auto-sync from adamlui/chatgpt-apps]

  • v2024.6.10.13 2024-06-10

    Expanded Auto-Scroll to work in Sticky Sidebar mode ↞ [auto-sync from adamlui/chatgpt-apps]

  • v2024.6.10.12 2024-06-10

    Re-anchored Auto-Scroll to above related queries + disabled outside Streaming Mode ↞ [auto-sync from adamlui/chatgpt-apps]

  • v2024.6.10.11 2024-06-10

    Condensed <add|remove>EvenListener()s ↞ [auto-sync from adamlui/chatgpt-apps]

  • v2024.6.10.10 2024-06-10

    Limited tooltips to desktop users ↞ [auto-sync from adamlui/chatgpt-apps]

  • v2024.6.10.9 2024-06-10

    Added base to parseInt()s for explicit radix ↞ [auto-sync from adamlui/chatgpt-apps]

  • v2024.6.10.8 2024-06-10

    Re-sized/padded chatbar, updated autosizeChatbar() ↞ [auto-sync from adamlui/chatgpt-apps]

  • v2024.6.10.7 2024-06-10

    Added auto-close to Streaming Mode Unavailable in OpenAI alert on proxy toggle click ↞ [auto-sync from adamlui/chatgpt-apps]

  • v2024.6.10.6 2024-06-10

    Removed no-longer necessary conditions from chatbar auto-focus since appShow() update ↞ [auto-sync from adamlui/chatgpt-apps]

  • v2024.6.10.5 2024-06-10

    Fixed Auto-Scroll mode to work w/ updated appShow() ↞ [auto-sync from adamlui/chatgpt-apps]

  • v2024.6.10.4 2024-06-10

    Shrank mobile font-size/line-height ↞ [auto-sync from adamlui/chatgpt-apps]

  • v2024.6.10.3 2024-06-10

    Added scroll-to-top on mobile if user interacted ↞ [auto-sync from adamlui/chatgpt-apps]

  • v2024.6.10.2 2024-06-10

    Replaced querySelector w/ chatTextarea in handleSubmit() ↞ [auto-sync from adamlui/chatgpt-apps]

  • v2024.6.10.1 2024-06-10

    Moved augmentQuery() from handleRQevent() to handleSubmit() for more logical flow

    • Eliminated yourReply in handleSubmit() containing redundant language augment ↞ [auto-sync from adamlui/chatgpt-apps]
  • v2024.6.10 2024-06-10

    Added query augment stripping to handleSubmit() in appShow() + get/show related queries in getShowReply() ↞ [auto-sync from adamlui/chatgpt-apps]

  • v2024.6.9.12 2024-06-10

    Refined math query augment ↞ [auto-sync from adamlui/chatgpt-apps]

  • v2024.6.9.11 2024-06-10

    Increased no proxy response timeout before tryDiffAPI() +2s if not streaming

    ... since text processing of finished stream response takes longer ↞ [auto-sync from adamlui/chatgpt-apps]

  • v2024.6.9.10 2024-06-10

    Added spacing if multi-msgs passed to appAlert() ↞ [auto-sync from adamlui/chatgpt-apps]

  • v2024.6.9.9 2024-06-10

    Added line break in appShow() for readability ↞ [auto-sync from adamlui/chatgpt-apps]

  • v2024.6.9.8 2024-06-10

    Removed no-longer needed // eslint-disable-line no-undefs ↞ [auto-sync from adamlui/chatgpt-apps]

  • v2024.6.9.7 2024-06-10

    Fixed math to always render ↞ [auto-sync from adamlui/chatgpt-apps]

  • v2024.6.9.6 2024-06-10

    Abstracted augmentQuery(), augmented related queries ↞ [auto-sync from adamlui/chatgpt-apps]

  • v2024.6.9.5 2024-06-10

    Corrected replyForm init in handleSubmit() ↞ [auto-sync from adamlui/chatgpt-apps]

  • v2024.6.9.4 2024-06-10

    Added Standby Mode check before showing answer in appShow() ↞ [auto-sync from adamlui/chatgpt-apps]

  • v2024.6.9.3 2024-06-10

    Overhauled appShow() to only build stuff if missing for improved efficiency ↞ [auto-sync from adamlui/chatgpt-apps]

  • v2024.6.9.2 2024-06-09

    Reduced gap preceding 'View changes' link in Update Available alert ↞ [auto-sync from adamlui/chatgpt-apps]

  • v2024.6.9.1 2024-06-09

    Updated GoogleGPT descriptions ↞ [auto-sync from adamlui/chatgpt-apps]

  • v2024.6.9 2024-06-09

    Title-cased foundState entries in appAlert() to correct switchPhrase init + shorten routine ↞ [auto-sync from adamlui/chatgpt-apps]

  • v2024.6.8.5 2024-06-08

    Renamed alert() to siteAlert() to avoid potential namespace conflicts ↞ [auto-sync from adamlui/chatgpt-apps]

  • v2024.6.8.4 2024-06-08

    Added proxy toggle suggestion to 429 errs ↞ [auto-sync from adamlui/chatgpt-apps]

  • v2024.6.8.3 2024-06-08

    Condensed hyperlink routine in appAlert() + refined fallback in foundState detection ↞ [auto-sync from adamlui/chatgpt-apps]

  • v2024.6.8.2 2024-06-08

    Replaced all appendChild() w/ shorter append() ↞ [auto-sync from adamlui/chatgpt-apps]

  • v2024.6.8.1 2024-06-08

    Disabled chatbar auto-focus in standby mode ↞ [auto-sync from adamlui/chatgpt-apps]

  • v2024.6.8 2024-06-08

    Added ease transition to corner button hover, removed unnecessary !important in CSS, re-ordered style props for readability ↞ [auto-sync from adamlui/chatgpt-apps]

  • v2024.6.6.5 2024-06-06

    Replaced 'alert' w/ 'modal' in modal ID var names ↞ [auto-sync from adamlui/chatgpt-apps]

  • v2024.6.6.4 2024-06-06

    Reversed order of AI models in GoogleGPT descriptions ↞ [auto-sync from adamlui/chatgpt-apps]

  • v2024.6.6.3 2024-06-06

    Shortened 'button' in class/var names to 'btn' ↞ [auto-sync from adamlui/chatgpt-apps]

  • v2024.6.6.2 2024-06-06

    Added // @noframes for compatibility w/ frame-injecting scripts ↞ [auto-sync from adamlui/chatgpt-apps]

  • v2024.6.6.1 2024-06-06

    Added scheme selection modal + darkmode modal button hover styles ↞ [auto-sync from adamlui/chatgpt-apps]

  • v2024.6.6 2024-06-06

    Abstracted refreshMenu() ↞ [auto-sync from adamlui/chatgpt-apps]

  • v2024.6.5.11 2024-06-05

    Added Chinese ?as eligible suffix for Suffix Mode ↞ [auto-sync from adamlui/chatgpt-apps]

  • v2024.6.5.10 2024-06-05

    Disabled Auto-Scroll menu item + auto-focus chatbar on mobile to avoid auto-popup OSD keyboard ↞ [auto-sync from adamlui/chatgpt-apps]

  • v2024.6.5.9 2024-06-05

    Added Google Gemma to GoogleGPT descriptions ↞ [auto-sync from adamlui/chatgpt-apps]

Show all script versions