eBay Annoyances Remover

Removes eBay Ads, Reviews, Recommendations & Other General Annoyances

These are all versions of this script. Show only the versions where the code changed.

  • v2.2 2024-09-22

    [class^='srp-items-carousel__container s-carousel-theme--tp']/* Picks for you under */,
    [class^='srp-bos-items']/* Trending now */,
    [class^='s-footer-notes']/* *Learn about pricing */,

  • v2.1 2024-09-19

    Added [id^='seo-related-search-container']/* Related Searches */,

  • v2.0 2024-04-05

    Added [class^='vim x-reviews']/* Reviews */,

  • v1.9 2024-02-20
  • v1.9 2024-02-20

    [class^='footer-panel-container']/* Widgets */, [class^='ifh-content']/* Widget */, [class^='vim x-survey-plugin']/* Feedback */

  • v1.8 2024-02-17

    [class^='seo-footer-container']/* Best Sellers */, [class^='ux-navigator__container']/* Remove Explore More */

  • v1.7 2024-02-06

    @name, @description, @version & @include~x4~

  • v1.6 2024-02-03

    v1.6 Added: [class^='srp-sov']/* Remove Best Savings */

  • v1.5 2023-04-26

    Added [class^='srp-main-below-river']/* Inspired */ (Inspired by your views)

  • v1.4 2023-03-01

    Added [title^='ADVERTISEMENT']/* Remove Sponsored Ads */, [id^='gf-t-box']/* Remove Litigious Info */,

  • v1.3 2023-02-25

    Updated Syntax & Added Credits

  • v1.2 2023-02-25

    Changed The Public License & Removed: // @description Removes AD's & Annoyances

  • v1.1 2023-02-24

    Revision History:
    v1.1 Added [class^='gf-legal']/* Remove Litigious Info */

  • v1.0 2023-02-23