Youtube UI Fix

Moves the controls under the video and makes the UI look like it was before august 2015

< Feedback on Youtube UI Fix


Posted: 2015-08-06

Dissipear in full screen

It looks good :)
You said you want to make it smaller in full screen which would be nice but could you add an option for it to go away when not moving mouse when in full screen?

Posted: 2015-08-07

I don't really know how to add such an option to the script. Maybe a variable you need to set manually at the top of the script? Anyway, I edited the main script to not autohide in fullscreen and attached the edited script here. Tell me what you think about it.

I kept the ui non-transparent, but it's probably possible to do with transparency in fullscreen.

Posted: 2015-08-08

While out of full screen the progress bar dosen't quite fit to the edge and while in screen the bar dosen't fit to the edge.

I like it not being transparent as well and the smaller size is very nice :)

Posted: 2015-08-09
Edited: 2015-08-09

If I make the progressbar (the small one, that fills up with red as the video plays) the same width as the video, it won't work as well (see progressIncorrect.png; notice how the red circle is not at the end of the red line).

The same goes for in full-screen (that the controls don't go all the way from the left to the right). If I change anything about the width of the progressbar, it will break.

Posted: 2015-08-09

Ahh alright that makes sense
Not that annoying so not a big deal :) Thanks

Posted: 2015-08-09

I got some good news, I finally got the whole script settings working. You can now (with the main script; version 1.5.1) set a checkbox in the youtube playback settings to have the controls autohide in full-screen.

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