Remplazar endscreen por gif animado JS - Remplazar endscreen por gif animado al terminar videos youtube
Drag and download any youtube video to 6 instances including smplayer JS - Drag to the search bar and download any video from any part of youtube to 6 different instances including external program smplayer.exe
chrome webstore open images with better quality JS - google chrome webstore open images with better quality
Always show the control bar below the video JS - Show all the time the control bar below the video with a cheap trick
Hide videos that are in playlist JS - When you are adding videos to your playlists Sometimes you don't remember if you've already added that video. This script puts an H button next to the search bar to Hide videos you've already added to your playlists, so there are no duplicate videos in your playlists.
Listen to the audio of the youtube video before opening it JS - Listen to the audio of the youtube video before opening it. It works on many pages where there are youtube videos such as google searches or invidious instances
Remove useless buttons JS - Remove useless buttons from the menu: download, share, dislike, report, clip, thankyou
GreasyFork hide scripts for author or word JS - Adds an X button at the top left in GreasyFork that hides scripts by author or word