Google calendar refresh JS - Refresh Google calendar when you click on it after it has been open since yesterday
StackExchange hide closed questions JS - Hide closed questions on the home page and in other lists of questions. Put a link showing the number of closed questions that have been hidden that shows the closed questions again.
StackExchange obvious followed link color JS - Change the color of followed links on all StackExchange sites so they they are easily distinguishable.
tracks.tra.in refresh JS - Refresh Tracks when you click on it after a period of inactivity
StackExchange chat links JS - Adds a chat link to the left hand nav of the home page of all Stack sites followed by a lightly filtered list of recently active chat rooms
Stack Exchange comment template context menu JS - Adds a context menu (right click, long press, command click, etc) to comment boxes on Stack Exchange with customizable pre-written responses.