Kongregate One

Kongregate One - One script to rule them all. Everything here.

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Issue with Kong One and Firefox


Dunno whether you're still keeping an eye on this but I've had an issue for about a week now when logging into Kongregate through Firefox.
Anytime I load a game it starts to load the page then suddenly presents me with a blank page.
This issue seemed to have been triggered by a Flash update; since installing the latest version of Flash I've had this problem.
I also use Chrome, Brave and Safari browsers (though I only have this script installed on Chrome). When accessing Kongregate via Chrome I have no issues.

I'm moving to using a different browser as it is but there are certain games that have progress specifically related to Firefox.

Finally, having the script working makes my life a lot easier as I am a mod on Kongregate. Being able to see at a glance/hear via the audio notification when someone is trying to get in touch with me is incredibly handy when I'm doing other stuff.

Hopefully hear from you soon, whether it's good news or bad news for me.
Best regards,

Hey Ian,
Thanks for posting your issue! I'm going to have to admit that I'm not super active on this at the moment, but there are a number of us that have been working on a 2.0 that should solve some issues.
Currently, it'd be helpful if you could post the issue on the github repository (https://github.com/AlphaOverall/KongOne, go to the issues tab, new issue) but if you can't figure that out, it's fine.
I'm glad to hear that you're actually using it. We've also got a discord channel which I'm not sure how to link atm but I'll make sure to post this issue there.
Thanks again!

Here's link to general userscript talk: https://discord.gg/0144fCardH84oKZXW
Also, I'd like to verify, is this because of the script that the page blanks? Does it work fine without the script? Just want to make sure it's something we can handle.


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