YouTube Auto Buffer & Auto HD

Buffers the video without autoplaying and puts it in HD if the option is on. For Firefox, Opera, & Chrome

< Обсуждения YouTube Auto Buffer & Auto HD


Disable Annotations No Longer Working

I'm using version 1.2.88 in Cyberfox, and from 1.2.87, including the beta, disable annotations has stopped working.

Yea, it's only working for the Flash player atm.
I heard of another way to make this option work with the HTML5 player, so I plan to look into that. I'd like to auto-disable annotations as well.

Создано: 21.04.2016
Отредактировано: 21.04.2016

Hello and sorry for my english (I'm french).

I don't know the JS. But, with uBlock₀ I managed to block annotations on Youtube like this (in CSS)

! 20/04/2016 à 19:00:14 > .ytp-cards-button.ytp-button

Oh! and by the way, for firefox, to disable warning messages in full screen mode (works with all sites)
"Full-screen-api.approval-required", false
"Full-screen-api.warning.timeout", 0
"Full-screen-api.warning.delay", 0

Hoping that it can guide you ;)

less intrusive, but always with uBlock₀, I found a list on

EasyList YouTube Other Annoyances (Blocks other YouTube annoyances)

basically, it said

! Removes all annotations in videos
! HTML5 version
! Removes sharing tab below videos

if you know a way to embed it.


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