[Premium] Shortlink Maker from Andrewblood

Automatic click the buttons for much Shortlink sites (a list is no longer possible with so many pages)

< Обсуждения [Premium] Shortlink Maker from Andrewblood

Отзыв: Хороший — скрипт работает как нужно

hi, can you bypass the tiktokcounter.net shortlink in under 5 seconds or 1 second, your current bypass is no different from not bypassing it at all when it runs as normal, if the bypass is good it can cut the waiting time under 5 seconds or only 1 second

sry but it is hard to find out the eventlistener that you can generaly click the elements when you wan't to generaly bypass and make it faster then I must say sry I wan't that stable and ticktockcounter have more then 1 listener that you use the right time...

when they synchronise with a database then you have generaly no chance...


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