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AO3: [Wrangling] Sort Fandoms by Number of Unwrangled Tags

sort the fandoms on your Wrangling Home by their number of unwrangled tags

Ниже показаны версии этого скрипта, в которых изменялся код. Показать все версии.

  • v3.0 31.03.2024
  • v3.0 31.03.2024

    since default sorting has become a bit more complicated than just calling the sort function (now relies on data), I added a more convenient configuration option that'll do it for you

  • v2.0 31.03.2024

    now allows sorting by each tag type (chars, rels, freeforms) as well
    turns the column header into a link, instead of adding a tiny arrow (that I never managed to hit, but ymmv) to the header

  • v1.0 10.11.2023