Greasy Fork++

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< Обсуждения Greasy Fork++

Отзыв: Хороший — скрипт работает как нужно

On script list, it cannot determine if the script is installed correctly (see images), and show the correct literal.
It's not a single case, there are multiple scripts in list with incorrect installation literal.
I have checked that all these pages in images is refreshed with ctrl+shift+r to prevent possible problems which may cause by cache.

On script list, it cannot determine if the script is installed correctly (see images), and show the correct literal.It's not a single case, there are multiple scripts in list with incorrect installation literal.I have checked that all these pages in images is refreshed with ctrl+shift+r to prevent possible problems which may cause by cache.

Which UserScript manager and Browser you are using?

Создано: 09.09.2023
Отредактировано: 09.09.2023

Oh sorry for missing these information, I'm using edge(v 116.0.1938.69) with tampermonkey(v 4.19.0)
And tested while only SimpleExtManager and Tampermonkey is on, and all scripts in Tampermonkey are disabled except scripts from you

fixed. please change to good review

Confirmed, thank for the quick fix


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