Return YouTube Comment Username

This script replaces the "handle" in the YouTube comments section to user name

< Обсуждения Return YouTube Comment Username

Отзыв: Хороший — скрипт работает как нужно

It works fine, but it doesn't work with certain accounts. (It works well for Brand Account.)

Создано: 05.08.2023
Отредактировано: 05.08.2023

What exactly are "certain accounts"? Does it mean that there are accounts whose names do not appear in the comments section?

If you don't mind, could you send me a screenshot or the url of the video where the problem occurred?

Создано: 06.08.2023
Отредактировано: 06.08.2023

My YouTube account, which starts with d1~, shows the user name in @ format in the comments. My brand account that starts with ra~, the script works. (Several YouTube accounts created from one email.)

I faced the same problem.
I'm sure it worked fine with my two accounts yesterday(both aren't Brand Account), but suddenly doesn't work with one of the account today.
It shows @handle in comments under videos and community tabs from all channels. Only the channel name in community tabs can show normally.

It happens in both google with extension and firefox with the script v0.3.8.

Создано: 09.08.2023
Отредактировано: 09.08.2023

The bug was confirmed and fixed in v0.3.10

It works perfectly now.
Thanks a lot!

it works great! thank you!


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