
Автоматизация действий для игры Хроники Хаоса

< Обсуждения HeroWarsHelper

Отзыв: Нормальный — скрипт работает, но имеет существенные недостатки

Smarter Tower script:

Suggestion #1 Upon "defeat" detection retry floor a few more times before giving up.

Why: The script is designed to stop once it detects you will fail a battle in tower. However over the last I've noticed on several instances that if I run Tower manually 4 to 8 more times it would push through the floor with a "victory". It's as if the Tower script gives up too easily.

Suggestion #2: Pick the "best role" and not the best heroes. The script should pick the best tank, damage dealer, healer, and support from the players line up.

Why: With the recent Corvus event, the script replaced my starting 5 with Corvus. Corvus surpassed my strongest tank but knocked my mage out of lineup. Instead of stopping between the late thirties or lower forties range, the script now stops at the middle twenties and I still have to play the Tower manually. The script should pick the best tank, damage dealer, healer, and two support/control OR allow the player to set their own base team.

With the current configuration my two best tanks end up with very low health after the Tower script runs so I end up having to sacrifice one to complete the tower or not being able to use one later on in the tower.

Создано: 01.03.2024

Sorry, English is not my main language and I use a translator, but even with it it’s difficult for me to comprehend your messages, please write more simply, succinctly and concisely.
Your problems do not occur with 95% of players since they are level 130 and pass the tower automatically.
I don't even have accounts to check this.
I developed a script for myself and solved my problems in it and decided to share it with other people for free. I'm always ready to help with fixing errors in the script that affect a large number of players. However, please understand that I cannot always address each player's individual concerns. Thanks for understanding!


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