Greasy Fork is available in English.

YouTube channel name log

Logs names of YouTube channels of watched videos in history to allow searching browsing history by channel owner.

// ==UserScript==
// @name         YouTube channel name log
// @description  Logs names of YouTube channels of watched videos in history to allow searching browsing history by channel owner.
// @namespace    gercomsci
// @version      1.0 beta
// @author       Gercomsci
// @run-at       document-end
// @grant        none
// @match        *://* 
// @match        *://** 
// ==/UserScript==
/* Code based on */

// == Main code ==
//  Function to locate relative video URL
var channelName;
function updateChannelName() { 
    channelName = document.getElementsByClassName("slim-owner-icon-and-title")[0].getAttribute("aria-label");
function updateDate() {
    timestamp = new Date().toISOString(); 
    // Very practical!
function hasVideoChanged() {
    if  ( channelName !== document.getElementsByClassName("slim-owner-icon-and-title")[0].getAttribute("aria-label")) {
        updateChannelName(); // read new video URL
        logChannelName();    // record it to browsing history 
        console.log('YouTube channel name log '+timestamp+': Channel name changed to '+channelName); // for debugging
  else { (0); } // Placeholder, in case necessary later.
function logChannelName() { 
        window.location.href = ("#YouTube_channel_name_log-"+timestamp+":"+channelName);
        if (navigator.userAgent.indexOf("Chrome") == -1) { // do not do this on Chromium-based browsers, as it navigates back from the non-anchored state
            javascript:history.go(-1); // Remove anchor after logging, to prevent navigation interference.
        window.history.pushState('page2','Title',window.location.toString().split("#")[0]); // remove anchor to clear the URL
// Check for change every second. If change detected, apply to URL.
changeCheck = setInterval(function() { hasVideoChanged() }, 1000);