Linkify Plus Plus

Based on Linkify Plus. Turn plain text URLs into links.

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How to blacklist a website from getting linkified?

Hey guys,
I just wanna exclude ( links from getting linkified.
Could anyone please teach me how?
Thanks a lot!

Создано: 01.04.2017

In the script manager page, there is individual option for each script. Simply add* to excluded pages.

Создано: 01.04.2017
Отредактировано: 01.04.2017

Tried it first but without adding a wildcard (*) character, so it didn't work until you mentioned it!
Thanks a lot, mate :)

Создано: 01.04.2017

It should. Could you post a screenshot of the option panel?

Создано: 01.04.2017
Отредактировано: 01.04.2017

Something looks like this:

If that is what you exactly did, it's probably the URL you want to exclude doesn't actually start with, maybe it is inside an iframe.

Создано: 01.04.2017
Отредактировано: 01.04.2017

No no. I meant it worked as soon as I added the (*) character which I ignored at first.
So everything's great now thanks to you ;)


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