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AO3 Floating Comment Box

Floating comment box for AO3

< Обсуждения AO3 Floating Comment Box

Отзыв: Нормальный — скрипт работает, но имеет существенные недостатки

Technically works, but has a fairly severe bug if you're actually posting/editing a fic chapter: a bunch of text is added to the end of the fic text entry box, which has gotten into my published chapters more than once. Unfortunately this means I can't use this script, or in good conscience recommend it to others. It's a good concept, but the implementation is flawed; I hope you'll fix this bug when you can.

Hi :) I'm not the author of the script, but figured I'd offer my idea for a solution.

By changing the pages the script's allowed to run on, you should be able to avoid it trying to add stuff into the work text.
Basically you'd have to replace this in the code (line#4)

// @include     *://*works/*

with this

// @match       *://*
// @exclude     *://*/new
// @exclude     *://*/edit
// @exclude     *://*

I've tested (with Tampermonkey on Firefox for Windows) it through a few variations (viewing single/multi chapter work, editing single/multi chapter work, post new work, post new chapter, import work) and I hope this catches all the right ones with a fairly simple code change.

Создано: 26.12.2023
Отредактировано: 26.12.2023

Meant to say thanks for the edit suggestion - I have ADHD which means my object permanence is bad, so I saw this when I got an email for it and completely forgot until I remembered to look at my scripts for Ao3 while switching to a new browser (it's Brave btw, I want to stay with Firefox but I just can't anymore). I don't see any reason why this wouldn't work, so I'll give it a try and try to remember to report any issues.

Thank you for this!


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