WaniKani Dashboard Leech Tables - Notice your leeches

Shows your Leeches on the Wanikani dashboard

Ниже показаны версии этого скрипта, в которых изменялся код. Показать все версии.

  • v1.6 08.04.2020 Change: Now works with new layout
  • v1.5 19.02.2019 Cleaned code
  • v1.4 19.02.2019 Fixed crash when showing radicals
  • v1.3 19.02.2019 Fixed crash when showing radicals
  • v1.2 19.02.2019 Changes: Total number of leeches allowed increased from 50 to 200, meaning and reading of a leech is shown on hover, tables ‘newly unlocked items’, ‘critical condition items’ and ‘newly burned items’ tables will try to take up unused space but may not work properly yet
  • v1.1 13.10.2018 Can now disable the newly unlocked items and newly burned items tables.
  • v1.0 06.10.2018